
I think "killer execution of what could have been a joke" is a great way to describe everything that works about the good Riddick movies, and a sterling example of what went wrong with the one that sorta didn't.

I really like both of those a lot :(

BB always struck me as trying way too hard for the Bourne look (which Casino Royale was a little guilty of at times but the Bond movies moved away from it basically immediately), which was sort of the prevalent short hand for "gritty realistic violence" at the time. TDK reigned it in a little bit from what I remember,

Oh man, I LOVE climactic hospital shootouts, I need to see this!

Seconded - thank you for sharing it. In a similar and far more shallow way, I've been using Drive (of all fuckin' things) to kind of help myself move on from the recent dissolution of the only long-term relationship I've ever been in, and you kind of summed up why I've been so insistent on watching Drive a lot lately.

Riddick ruled and was super underrated. It moves on from Chronicles in a pretty amusing and self-effacing fashion and apes Predator about as well as the first one aped Alien, I would say.

Man, I am literally alone in not liking Rogue Nation that much. I thought it was a huge step down after 3 and Ghost Protocol, and even just for movies in that year I liked SPECTRE way more (but I am absolutely the wrong guy to ask about that).

I sincerely doubt Spider-Man gets it due to the fact it's a superhero movie and in this very post it's explained that all of X-Men's descendants (which, let's face it, the Tobey Macguire movies CLEARLY are) are exempt from this series. I really do see it going to Collateral unless there's something huge that year I'm

Sadly, with this post I feel like you've summed up how people feel talking to me. I bet I would have loved this class because I, too, can't stay on one thought that long.

I own two copies of Versus and I will love it till my dying day. It's enough to make me think the cut scenes in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes are just fine even if they don't make a goddamn bit of sense in the Metal Gear universe.

Every once in a while, mostly when I see James Bond plugging it in ads, I get in the mood for Heineken. It isn't the best in the world but it's available basically anywhere so if I'm in a social situation where it's a limited beer list I can pretty much rely on Heineken to be there to stop me from having Budweiser.

Funny enough, that's how it worked originally! There's a recut on Youtube of the TND opening with Surrender playing over it and it syncs up way better, it was actually animated with Surrender in mind at first.

There's nothing hot about that. TWINE is a terrible movie after the theme song ends, and that video fucking rules.

I dunno, I kinda like it. There's something appealing to me at least about the idea of in-depth discussion of what's generally accepted as 'trash', be it shitty movies or whatever, and I think fast food totally counts for that. I realize I'm typing this as someone with a Mac Tonight avatar, however.

As one of those half-assed vegetarians that still eats eggs, I'm trying here, okay?!

Same. I remember ordering them out of spite that they were targeted for adults because I was an overly-precocious little shit until I was about 16. I've scoured the internet trying to figure out how to replicate the sauce it used; it's some combination of mayo, dijon mustard, and like…two other things I've never been


That sounds right, and I'm not worried enough to look it up and verify it!

What further confuses me is why people keep bringing up El Generico when they discuss Sami Zayn. I love Zayn to death but he needs to get out of his mentor's shadow.

Oh good, I love scary flea markets!