
Holy shit, this guy directed so many fucking movies I love and I had no idea they were all the same guy, or even who he was.

I recently bought the new Ghostbusters on Blu-ray, and despite being an ardent vocal defender of it in theaters I felt like it was already testing patience with its theatrical length, and I don't honestly see myself ever watching the extended version.

Believe it or not, IIIIII'M
not William Katt

Ghostbusters' hole was technically in the ground, if I remember right. Some of the final fight took place in a hotel lobby (as opposed to a rooftop like in the first one) and then there was something about a swirly portal in the ground at the end that the car fell into.

Christ I miss Felix Leiter.

See, I have the opposite problem, I feel like people still shit on Double Dash a lot whereas it's still my personal second favorite after 64, although I do need to point out I haven't played 8 yet. (That will change this Friday once I get paid again - daddy needs more Switch games!)

I might have told this story before but straight up when I was a kid I got totally worked by the idea of Chris Jericho and the singer of Fozzy being two totally separate dudes. There was an interview with Jericho (forget his stage name) in Guitar World that I had when I was like 13, and even being a WCW Monday

I've heard my grandpa say "hell's half-acre" a few times, and I'm not from anywhere near either of those places, so maybe it's just a fun old person term?

^^ Came here to post this. Manhunter is the best telling of the Red Dragon story and I honest to god have a hard time choosing between it and Silence for best filmic Hannibal adaptation. It isn't a fair comparison since they both set out to accomplish different goals but they do an equally adept job at getting there.

Isn't there a similar joke in the MST3k movie?

I straight up refuse to watch Akira unless it's the Orion/Streamline dub on VHS. My brain can't handle seeing Akira in Japanese and/or with better picture quality.

I wanted SO BAD to be the one to bring up Terrorvision, that's perhaps my #1 choice of "underrated 80s horror movie"


To be fair, Hope here sounds far less…predatory. The people in her Palace wouldn't probably be so much slaves as just sort of faceless, interchangeable, passably handsome dudes milling about until they're needed.

Oh wow, the McElroys are involved in Polygon? I haven't been there a ton but I've loved everything I've read from it.

Why is everyone getting so salty about this? Shitty fictional interviews with the members of Gorillaz has been a staple of their shtick since they came out.

I rank the novel of Moonraker pretty highly on my rankings of the original Fleming novels, so this hurts me bad. Never read Colonel Sun but I always meant to.

There wasn't any room in those asses for anything other than shitty dialogue and intense navel-gazing, which is impressive considering how hard those would be to see from inside one's ass.

I can't screw around like there's not a small gulf in quality between Goldeneye and TND (even if they were clearly trying to be very, very different Bond movies) but after TND Brosnan took a fucking swan dive into the Shitlantic fucking Ocean. I've watched TWINE like five times and I still can't fully tell you what