
When I watched it there was an ad talking about the New Day headed to Smackdown so I assume there's at least a few more moves.

It's SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT, Michael. Wrestling is what whores do.

As soon as that match was announced I told my friend that it may have been the single least-meaningful thing that has ever happened in professional wrestling. I saw Mabel become King of the Ring. I watched Kenny Omega wrestle a little girl.

Honest to god I am SO optimistic about Smackdown right now. Sure, the shakeup kinda sucked for some people - it really hurts losing Dean and Miz, and in a weird way I'm gonna miss Heath and Rhyno, and I honestly thought Sin Cara got fired again - but we got Sami and Kevin, and perhaps most importantly KEPT AJ.

As one of them goddamn Gen Y/Millenials this is interesting to me. I was born early enough to remember a huge gap between theatrical release and home video, but I feel like when I was in my teens, if a movie was in theaters for more than a month, month-and-a-half, it had to be a big goddamn deal on the level of Lord

Chief among them, yes!

There was once a time in my life where I would have argued that any movie where Shia LeBouf has to race monkeys by swinging on vines couldn't have been bad either!

That character both sullied the idea of the SR-71 and besmirched the name of the fan-favorite character it was named after, perhaps worse than any of the other inaccurate name-slaps those movies perpetrate. BUT I DIGRESS.

*Everyone who has the IC belt over the last few years except the Miz and maybe Kevin Owens is too busy doing nothing with the IC title somewhere

Do you mean Hot Tomorrows, Featuring The Music Of The Mystic Knights Of The Oingo Boingo?

You said for me to READ the note, not IMPROVE it.

The fourth had some fun nuggets buried underneath an extra hour of dumb, dumb bullshit. First one is still the peak for me, but ROTF is literally unwatchable. I can't explain a goddamn thing that happened in that movie.

Holy shit, X-Files was still in theaters at that point? I'd gotten so used to how fast things leave theaters these days that the fact a movie from June (even a successful one) was still in theaters around Labor Day is blowing my mind right now.

The Big Hit was, as a middle schooler catching it on VHS a year or two later, one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. Some of it is a little dated now but when I catch it on TV I can't act like I don't get some laughs out of it here and there.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is his worst film. I won't do it here but I can defend the first and third ones (says the guy with the Autobot tattoo), but ROTF is the worst thing he's ever done.

Ronin fuckin' rules and I haven't seen it in way too goddamn long. It's got one of the most perfect 90s action casts ever assembled, and almost as much as it affected Bourne Identity I feel like it laid a lot of really subtle groundwork for Daniel Craig's Bond era, which I am praying to God gets touched on in one of

I wonder if there's beer on the sun?

Don't do this to me, I'm old and my heart can't take it :(