
Yeah, I am SUPER worried about that…

Speaking as a big NJPW fan, Shinsuke has a bad habit of phoning it in during less-consequential matches but when he has a reason to go, he goes. I think you saw evidence of that in NXT - his match with Zayn ruled and his early Joe stuff was good until he realized he was just going to be fighting Joe for the next few

Friend, you're in for a treat. Nakamura is absolutely one of, if not THE best talent WWE has right now. He and AJ Styles have something of a history in Japan and they're going to put on a lot of real good-ass matches so long as the draft doesn't fuck it all up.

I kind of see them putting AJ v. Nakamura off until Summerslam to kind of build it as the "smark marquee" match that some PPVs have been getting lately - give one of them the IC belt, let them say a lot of mean things to each other for a few weeks, and then let them repeat their Wrestle Kingdom glory at Summerslam.

Straight up KO coming to Smackdown (and Sami, since he sort of hinted at it) would basically remove any need I had to watch Raw.

Ugh, damn, that would have been great too. And let's face it, a New Gods movie done right now would probably suck on toast, so MOTU might be the closest we get to it.

Shinsuke coming to Smackdown is an extremely small dream come true for me - now WWE just needs to not fuck it up and keep AJ on Smackdown for at least another year, in no small part because Michigan tends to get a lot of Smackdown shows (we're rumored for at least one SD house show and PPV in the coming year) and I

Was that confirmed? I thought that was one of those like "wishful thinking" urban legends like when everyone wanted to believe the Street Fighter movie was supposed to be GI Joe at first.

Or Hard Target, or at least one other movie I can't remember who tried to play Van Damme off as being Louisiana-French.

This may be the best one of these I've seen in my time as a commentator, thank you.

I finally got around to watching Violent Cop over the weekend, so this is pretty well-timed!

Same, although to be fair I think that's really the biggest cringey lowpoint of the two of them.

Wait a minute, Beat Takeshi is in this? I'll watch literally anything he's involved in, and I was planning on catching this at the dollar show at some point anyway!

I don't have a question, per se, but if you get the chance, tell him I said "thank you" for the very fact Streets of Fire exists.

Now, granted, I've only recently seen the yellow Coors (Banquet or as most people I've seen refer to it, "Coors Heavy") come to prominence in Michigan within the last few years, so maybe that still took a second to come around.

Just coming here to talk about how much I fucking love Thief. I was actually just listening to the soundtrack yesterday and honest to God it might be my favorite Mann movie.

I feel like I might be able to make some inferences about your age because of this; not only was this movie extremely popular among everyone in a super-specific age/school demographic in my town, it's also the reason a lot of my friends recognize the Reel Big Fish song "Beer" which I feel weird about.

"Well, after about twenty years of wearing oversized baseball jerseys and throwing myself off of things onto Olympic athletes and literal reanimated corpses, I think I've finally learned my lesson. Thank you, AJ. It's time for me to go help some startups."

I love England but you've seriously gotta be fucking with me on the "cold on the cob" right?

While I never lived in a world where Coors wasn't nationally available, my dad has told me similar stories about growing up in eastern Ohio where he had ready access to Rolling Rock and Yuengling before moving to Michigan with my mom, one of which was only widely available within my lifetime and the other of which has