
Well…yes. But if you HAVE to do a CM Punk chant, this was a much better time than most.

I think about CM Punk every goddamn day. I see him in the face of every smiling child, in the rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds every morning. In every newly blooming flower in the springtime. In the untold promise of every opportunity. Whenever I remember a positive moment in my life, I remember CM Punk.

I actually felt like the CM Punk chants during Sami's confrontation were maybe one of the only times they ever made sense. It's maybe a little ham-fisted, but if the CM Punk chants were ever appropriate, it's absolutely during a time when a beloved indie hero is standing up to the McMahon/Levesque reign of terror. If

Can confirm, am vegetarian and also the worst.

Okay, that's actually oddly reassuring. I'd seen a lot of Trump boosting on his social media, but I've also heard some people on the internet say it was really oblique satire, so I'm super happy to be possibly wrong on this.

You lost me at the superhero movie thing (ehhh) but you got me back with the meat-eaters thing.

Oh yeah, he has the exact perfect circumstances to…er…usually believe the cops' side of the story, we'll say, and I wasn't particularly surprised (and frankly I thought he was a dick from the first place). Dolph was a much bigger letdown for me both as a person and as a big fan of his work, which I can't really say

American Spirit, but not the cigarettes because smoking is bad.



I was at Raw this week and the Goldberg reactions were kind of all over the place. There were a lot of boos for him being the Universal Champ, but then everyone cheered for Goldberg during the Lesnar/Heyman segment, but then everyone booed again when Kevin discussed how he lost the belt to Goldberg? I guess it's a

I bought one before I left the Joe Louis. I went out to buy a beer and I saw them on the merch stand and got in line immediately. A lot of wrestling shirts are still really embarrassing (looking at you, AJ and Goldberg) but KO's stuff is always fucking gold.

Speaking as someone who was there, I was pretty disappointed to not get any Balor, but it was kind of made up for by Seth showing up to whomp on Trips (who I have always hated) and the random HBK pep-talk to Roman. The crowd's reactions to Roman were hilariously consistent with how people have always felt about him,

But but but it's really well filmed and way more fun than people remember, and Dougray Scott does a fine job AND it meant Hugh Jackman got to be Wolverine!

And a much better "vintage Arnold" death knell that fucking Collateral Damage was!

Yeah but that's really cool and I like it. I also listened to the soundtrack A LOT at the age of 12.

Agreed, but it's kind of funny to see how much Simpsons side-media stemmed from Season 2, like a lot of the early video games or whatever. It also has Truckasaurus!


Do people not like Midsomer Murders? I watched it on Netflix all the time with the ex when we fell into a weird "slow-paced, largely genial crime series" hole alongside Rosemary & Thyme and Murder, She Wrote.

One of my best friends found that on VHS at, ironically, a Salvation Army and we're waiting for juuuuuuust the right moment to pop it in.