
There were THREE FUCKING SEASONS of The Following?!


It is if you AINT'T NO NERD

Earlier today, if someone would have told me they were in possession of a picture of Guy Pearce that made him look like the spoiled rich dickhead bad guy in every 80s teen comedy, I would not have believed them.

Jesus christ I am dying at my desk at work here, thank you. I like how it's sort of implied for a split second that the cow exploded?

I lived in constant, abject fear of this happening to me as a kid. I always made sure to be really quiet and well-behaved during video game time lest the plug get pulled on me during Starfox or something.

Holy shit I didn't realize what a sick year this was. The Rock rules, The Long Kiss Goodnight is incredible and maybe my second or third favorite Shane Black movie (and I only watched after a friend of mine somehow mistook it for The Long Goodbye), and the first Mission: Impossible is great. Shit, I'm even gonna be

I'll second Waltz No. 2 and I'll also politely suggest King's Crossing, even if it doesn't remind me of a lot of his other stuff.

That's not ENTIRELY fair - sometimes Uncensored had really fun, tacky 90's set design. Fastlane is both one of the worst PPVs every year no matter what AND is super boring, visually.

"Steve Holt!"
-Steve Holt

My parents made me attend kindergarten at age 4 and I'm only partially joking when I say I think it made me a dickhead.

They're really stickin it to that George Bush guy! He must work there or something!


A sadly common issue in his industry, I've come to find.

I only know who Rocco Siffredi is because of a Hold Steady song. I now know why he was mentioned.

Nah, it was his last name. As someone who's real name is Tim Allen (dunno if anyone remembers from when Disqus made me use my real name for a while) and lives in Michigan I've been subjected to this for decades.

I'm not yet in my thirties, and even I'VE used Brylcreem. It smells like shit.

Okay, I've managed to never watch the Gus Van Sant Psycho, what's this about John Woo?

Okay I don't even know what that second thing is

I somehow forgot about that - such is the nature of Apollo Crews!