
The Pooptaker? Underpooper?

Did I just wake up in an alternate universe where The Other Guys is WORSE than Step Brothers?!

I've said it for years, and I'll say it again: Moms Love Bill Murray.

Did Peter Berg direct this?

I had this problem with Old School. I might be remembering it wrong, but I have an extremely vivid memory of seeing Luke Wilson talking about Old School on The Daily Show (back when they had more 'regular celebrity' interviews instead of the even more political bent it took) like a year, almost two before it was

I know how mad we all are about the changing nature of WWE reviews, but we've been through worse, people!

It would be more than Apollo Crews has had to do lately, sooooo…

I both appreciate your concise explanation and I suddenly feel myself with a renewed sense of school pride! GO HUSKIES!

What…what was their end game? What was the car going to do for the school? Were they just gonna…have a car?

I came here to post In A Lonely Place and am delighted to see I got beaten to it. Saw it for the first time last summer, goddamn loved every second of it. It might honestly be Bogart's least-likable, non-villain role.

Only if it's The Question.

I misread this comment at first, and I swear to god if I caught you talking shit about Casino Royale I was going to figure out how to throw myself into the internet so I can pop out of your computer and berate you for days.

Yep! She's Delilah Doom, a Texas indie wrestler. Real cute merch, she's pretty fun in the ring. Glad to see her popping up on WWE more often even if she's just getting squashed.

Nah, I'm kinda getting the impression she had to pick a new ring name for her WWE appearance and probably threw that in as a reference.


So, uh…anyone have any idea where I can go to find out about CJ Lunde? A brief Google search didn't turn anything up, and, uh…I'm a fan.

You know, that really puts a name to something I'd always felt about that movie but couldn't articulate. I think it's fair to say the problems in Wayne's World are big for the characters, but COMPARATIVELY big. Like, I guess speaking as an unpopular local musician, I also feel like I'd have to put a lot of weight and

Ambrose had to fight Miz so he could start feuding with a guy that wasn't universally beloved. Basically only John Cena is in a position now to feud with AJ and not lose any steam just due to his permanent standings with the kids (who love him) and the smarks (who hate him), neither of which will change if he starts

Super true, there's not a lot of good ways this could end and I'm not surprised they picked a shitty one.

…okay, THERE'S a vital plot point I totally spaced on, and it renders my point moot!