
This is my favorite way of having David Cage described to me ever, and I thank you for introducing me to this.

Is the list gonna make the list??

They never have, really, and yet here we are, being told to root for him.

Wait, so the ending was worse before?

Oh, my mistake. Carry on, GOOD BROTHER (or sister)

While I'm happy that Neville is part of the Cruiserweight division now, I think the point of the Classic was to help bring in some fresh talent that WWE fans might not have been as familiar with. It might have skewed some of the division's perception if you had some rad unknowns like Gran Metalik fighting someone that

I'll be at Smackdown/205 tonight, actually, and I wasn't really planning on staying for the whole thing until this Neville thing happened.

Wait, I'm sorry, are you saying you think AJ turning heel was bad?

While I'm not saying I disagree with you, nor am I attempting to make fun of you for making this list, I think the fact that someone has to make a six-point list to explain why someone actually is a heel in their feud is sort of indicative of the problems Raw (and WWE as a whole) has been having with booking and

U Talkin' Chris Pratt 2 Me

Was this known for a while? I'd never actually heard of this movie until I saw the trailer on Youtube, but I'd be kind of curious to see people griping about it early on.

The Sega Dreamcast?! She wasn't even that old when it came out, the hell is her problem?!

In programming, we call those "pointy brackets"!

To be fair, are they EVER that bad in action movies? Like, the Nazis in the two best Indiana Jones-es are clearly the villains but other than the book burning and general rudeness, those movies aren't really the place to demonstrate their true evil.

Johnny Ramone was the earliest example in my life of "separating the art from the artist". I will never not love the Ramones, and he's one of the reasons why I play guitar the way I do now, but I read three books about the Ramones while in high school and he sounded like a giant shithead in each one.

Brooks' shows are more of an 'event' at this point, and he's gonna sell out wherever he plays. I remember he played at the Joe Louis Arena near me some two years back and he absolutely packed the place.

Speaking as one…yeah, we're not great.

Christian Bale had that problem with Batman Begins, which is always funny to me.

That's really just sort of how Jackie Chan sees the world - Nazis are bad, cultural misunderstanding is funny, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, now watch me whomp six guys with a ladder!

And was done in response to public and governmental pressure that there were too many movies glamorizing the criminal lifestyle, so Tequila was created to be a charming hardass on the side of the angels that the audience could feel good about rooting for.