
It's kind of a stretch, but the only other actor I've seen pull that off is Daniel Craig. The second his James Bond (and ONLY his) has to run someone down, you know he's going to catch them, and you know they're in a world of fucking trouble when he gets there, just like the T-1000. They both just look like…focused

Robert Patrick is my favorite example of an actor playing a guy we know is terrible, but none of the other characters do at first. Most actors either lean too into the charm and just become sleazy, or are villains the entire time, but Patrick strikes that perfect balance between "this dude isn't a real human" and

I love that logic, and I almost have to wonder how the casting of the T-1000 would have differed if, given the same script, Schwarzenegger wasn't the T-800 originally.

Was he actually in the running to play Robocop? I…don't actually think I would have liked that.

Burl, you're an endless fountain of much-needed wisdom.

I modded my Wii last Christmas and it's been a fucking treasure trove. Now that I don't manage a GameStop and have to sift through the piles of Imagine: Party Babyz, it's much easier to see how awesome the lineup turned out to be. (Granted I went as Travis Touchdown to a recent convention in Detroit, so maybe I'm

I almost would rather it turned into a TV series, not too unlike what they're doing with Lethal Weapon right now.

We have, and I'm saying that as someone really goddamn into the 3D Land/World games. I also have no compunction saying that New Mario U is the best of the New series, but they're all pretty good other than the original DS game.

I've only recently found out about its existence and after this article I NEED to track it down.

Alright, there's nothing else I can add to the discussion about T2 other than to say it's totally fucking amazing and is one of a handful of movies I can honestly say needs to be seen by literally everyone ever. I'll be back to bother everyone about Hard Boiled next time, promise.

I'm kind of ashamed of myself, but I've finally gone back to Super Mario Galaxy. I played the first one for a few hours back when it first launched, but as a young man living at home with a decent amount of disposable income I was quickly distracted by like three other things in that console generation and kind of

That is not the first time I've heard that, and I think it probably just means your "herd-protecting" instincts are still functioning all these millions of years later. I mean this as a good thing.

I have the same problem for like long-time relationships ending in movies no matter how hamfisted or treacly it is. I didn't remember liking Blue Valentine but the ending got to me anyway, and I wasn't proud of myself.

I remember really being honestly upset about that for a second until I watched it. I was so afraid it was going to turn into some Golden Compass-lite bullshit.

That exact same situation is how I saw Final Destination V, which remains the only one of those I've ever seen. To paraphrase Scott Steiner, you'll get SYMPY from me.


Yeah, if Roode leapfrogs Nak and Joe I will be shocked. He's very clearly supposed to be the next champ once at least ONE of those two guys leave - and admittedly it's looking like Joe is coming up before Nakamura.

You'll be doing yourself a favor. Start with "We Cool?" (his release from last year), then do "Worry.", and then work back into some of his Bomb the Music Industry stuff - try to go in reverse chronological order, the later stuff is much closer to his solo stuff than the more anarchic punk/ska stuff of the earlier

No Against Me! or Jeff Rosenstock?! BOO THIS LIST

Technically doesn't Kate Plays Christine count too, sorta?