
One of the better interpretations of Hoth in a game other than some of the Rogue Leader/Squadron games.

You know, I've been thinking for 20 years how to best explain how I feel about that game, and I think you just nailed it. I didn't have any standards for if a game was "bad" as a kid and I'd put up with damn near anything, so I think I glossed a lot of my problems with that game over with "well, maybe I just haven't

I kinda hate IG-88 due to how hard he was to fight in Shadows of the Empire, but you know what he's still pretty cool.


Alright, so today is my birthday and I've decided to treat myself to getting excited about Goldberg's return. I was exactly the right age to love Goldberg the first time, and as I was always a bigger WCW mark than I was WWF (at least after a few years, since I was largely introduced to wrestling through Macho Man and

Either that or they tend to be a lot of the same complaints over and over again. "BUH I HEARD THIS SONG A LOT AND…IT ISN'T GOOD, I GUESS, THANKS" not to mention that big guy in the sleeveless hoodie talkin' shit about Seal

This Is What I Hate For Dinner

I completely forgot about You're A God until just now and you know, I've got mixed feelings.

I have to assume we're pretty close in age, given our parallel developments in this regard. I will also always defend Third Eye Blind no matter what.

So where's the Kickstarter I just decided I needed to buy Tommy Wiseau an ornate motorcycle jacket he has to wear on all of his press junkets?

Alright, that's a huge bummer but I guess I can't be surprised, somehow?

I know people are gonna shit on this because people always do, but I really think this was one of the better, more coherent Hatesongs and this dude seems funny as fuck. Top marks, AV Club.

I want Tommy Wiseau to post a lengthy screed about why Seth Rollins is overly dangerous to work with.

whoa WHAT

I'm kinda curious now, what was that odious about Amy Poehler's?

I super-legit still get pretty bummed out about the end of Metal Gear Solid 3, like every fucking time.

Sadly, it happened in a year where we had Styles/Cena so there's no way it's MOTY, but speaking as a secret shameful Ziggler mark I liked that matched A LOT more than I figured.

A friend I watched it with made a joke about him looking like Jumbo CM Punk due to the oddly specifically-groomed facial hair.

Will Sasha then open a well-regarded steakhouse in Japan?

Say what you will about Goldberg - and even as an 11-year old WCW mark around the time of his debut, I absolutely admit there's a lot to say - but I love how…weird and wholesome he is. Always wanted to stay a face so he could be a role model, really wants his kids to be exposed to the brighter side of the wrestling