
It also got a "movie", sort of - there was a slightly longer Action League Now! episode featuring KISS that aired before some Nickelodeon movie that I…can't recall right now.

I dunno, honestly, I've heard both but the original weird Human League version of Tame is really what sells it for me.

I'm with the guy at the bottom of this article. I can't have caffeine due to brain problems, and fuck the haters, decaf is my only option and I'm thrilled it exists! EAT IT, NERDS!

We have a very similar thing here in Detroit called feather bowling, it's pretty fun. I imagine other places have it, but who knows.

I've regrettably never seen this but now I know I absolutely have to.

I was just talking to someone about this - I used to get I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched confused all the time until it turns out Bewitched was the one I actually liked.

Yes and yes!


So many jokes on The Simpsons are only funny to people our age because of Nick at Nite, and that's weird to think about.

^^ That's my favorite Vampire Weekend song too!


It's better it happened sooner than later, especially in time for Halloween.

I mean…so did I, and I played the card game a lot, soooooo

Some day I want you and I to meet up and talk about embarrassing Highlander phases. I still own my coat with the logo on the back.

That sounds like it rules, actually…

Are…we the same person? Did I post this from an alternate timeline where literally nothing about me is different aside from employment?

I remember being weirdly addicted to The Wonder Years specifically because of Nick at Nite. I felt it had kind of a weird live-action kinship with Doug and Hey Arnold, which was odd for me at that age because I was very, very rarely into live-action sitcoms at that point.

It's like "classic rock" versus "oldies stations"!

So, here's a dumb question - I was like 9 when this happened so I can't remember much other than loving Hey Arnold! to death. Did Nick at Nite actually GO AWAY when it became TV Land? I have memories of seeing Fresh Prince on Nick at Nite in like 2007 and I could have sworn it was just on at midnight on regular

Phineas and Ferb by a mile. Hey Arnold always looked to me like a fun exaggeration of how a human might look - let's face it, we've all known a kid that looked EXACTLY like Sid, somehow - but Phineas and Ferb is just a collection of horrible Flash-animated geometric shapes.