
When I was a kid, I had a Choose Your Own Adventure-style book where you just got a job as a dog catcher and then have some Futurama shit happen to you while the world suffers a massive nuclear war. When you wake up from your vaguely-defined cryogenic slumber you're given a robot suit whose AI informs you that, as a


I need to watch more of Uncle Grandpa than I have to this point.

Can we talk about Weird Al on Transformers Animated? I loved his performance and I double-loved the very fact he played Wreck-Gar, who was introduced to Weird Al's "Dare to be Stupid" in the original animated movie. I saw him in concert last month and he played a bunch of video clips, as he always does, and before

It's been about once every 5-10 years since the late 80s, and the fact we're still dealing with it kinda cracks me up.

Agreed, but less believable as a nuclear physicist than Roberts was as a geologist, or whatever she is. Not that attractive people can't be in academic fields, but neither of them really have the acting chops to sell their backgrounds the way some other Bond girls did. (For what it's worth, I really like Natalya in

I had the opposite tack, actually - I had a weird Queen obsession in middle school which led to me tracking down every movie they'd appear on the soundtrack to. Sometimes this meant I watched Iron Eagle, but mostly it meant I got to watch Wayne's World, Flash Gordon, and goddamn Highlander, which I am forever in their

As a man with Ohioan ancestry who loves the Cavs no matter what, Miz covering that picture of LeBron had me cracking up.

He was also responsible for Army of Darkness, Evil Dead 2 (I think), and Flash Gordon!

Bret Hart doesn't laugh. Bret Hart just glowers and hands his sunglasses to a nearby child.

Glad to see Kentucky Nightmare on here, although I might trade it for the Bjork episode.

Not in, like, a BAD way, but I remember being pretty struck by what a departure from the original movie and the series as a whole it was.


If you read it in slow motion you can pinpoint the exact moment her brain rips in half!

Dragula is literally my least favorite song of all time, and while I basically always agree with John Carpenter I super totally do now.

Isn't that also sort of how they captured everyone's blankly resting faces in the end of The Graduate, too?

Goldfinger is one of the big ones I'd mention, but I've never been particularly fond of either to be frank. I might also mention Spy Who Loved Me as an edge case, although it's more of a case of "completely irrelevant adaptation still being good" as opposed to anything approaching an improvement over the source

I haven't seen The Thing in a very long time, but Blade Runner did something very similar to this, even if it's only visible on some of the later Blu-ray/DVD transfers.

Holy shit, I may just now be finding out Breakfast at Tiffany's was a book. Some liberal arts student I was.

That was my excuse for finding "The Fountainhead" to be tolerable, although I haven't touched it since then.