
Alright, I didn't see it - I've been 50/50 on watching new Simpsons, admittedly - but this review makes it sound like it's everything I hate about modern Simpsons. Even more so than the lazy pop culture stuff (which the old seasons were still guilty of, just not as extreme) I hate the weird arbitrary darkness. I don't

Eh…alright, you know what, that's a fair (super)cop. I wasn't quite as aware of China's internal attitudes and perceptions the first time I saw it on VHS in the day (yeah, like I'm some big fuckin' expert now) and I guess a lot of that stuff didn't sink in on me as Chan proselytizing against part of the country as

Can we fight WHILE said ditty is playing? Because that is TOTALLY on my bucket list.

POLITE REBUTTAL: Christmas Jones, both in concept and execution!

I mean this respectfully, but even ahead of Man With The Golden Gun or Die Another Day? I admit AVTAK isn't perfect by a long shot but I feel like it's way more defensible than a lot of others.

If I remember the Chinese-English naming scheme correctly, mine was Supercop! Admittedly it isn't flawless by any means but IMHO it's the most fun and energetically-watchable one. Was Lockdown that good? I heard it was a little too…grim, which isn't what I usually go to Chan for.

Thief is goddamn amazing and I am, in fact, watching it tonight after work! I also adore Manhunter but I can see why you're not into Petersen - I like to think of him as icy and affectless, but that can very, very easily become "wooden" if not careful.

Came here to post this - Toxic Crusaders is my favorite "misguided kid's adaptation" ever but I think Robocop is a close second, and I might almost argue Beetlejuice is an edge case.

Another great year. Police Story isn't my favorite one of the series but they're almost all amazing, To Live And Die In LA is fucking great and I need to get back to it sometime (considering the Mann phase I've been in lately), and nobody needs me to tell them about Commando.

I don't know if anyone here remembers when I had to post under my real name, but given as I grew up near Detroit…named Tim Allen…which is ALSO MY DAD'S NAME…I reeeeeeeally don't want to talk about this show.


I also would have accepted Star Trek: Generousness

Let us pray!

Is Maxim the Brits' fault, or are you just ascribing it as part of the "lad magazine" craze? I'll accept both.

And while I hated Jumper I'll totally stand up for Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the sense that I didn't hate it and might watch it again if I found the DVD at a garage sale or something.

Jeremy Enigk has been coming up for me a lot lately, and while I've only ever heard Diary and loved it, maybe this is a sign for me to get a little further into his stuff.

On the flip side, I'm oddly excited about what they're doing with Bo!

I hate Bray Wyatt. I think his gimmick is stupid, I'm not amused by a single thing he does, and his matches are always my cue to go pee and get another beer. That said, I can rest comfortably knowing I will never actually watch him win a PPV.

It's just you and me now, Mission Hill! Or whatever!

I'm gonna miss the shit out of this. I'm probably gonna make a lot of Internet Enemies saying this, but Regular Show is flat-out my favorite Cartoon Network series since the Dexter's Lab/Powerpuff Girls heyday. Adventure Time started good but lost me eventually, and I never quite caught the Steven Universe fever like