
As sad as I am that the Springsteen song the movie is named for didn't wind up in the credits since it would have fit the bittersweet ending perfectly (he doesn't REALLY get with McCoy, let's be honest) Jim Steinman is the songwriter that movie deserved, and Streets of Fire is the movie he was born to write music for.

One could almost argue that's what T2 did - Terminator was basically Halloween in tone as far as "horror" goes, so the T1-T2 jump isn't maybe too dissimilar to the Alien-Aliens jump.

Having foolishly allowed myself to forget that Streets of Fire came out the same year as Terminator I should have known it didn't have a chance in hell of making the main feature of this list, but I'm so goddamn happy Tom and I feel the same way about it. I can't explain this movie without it sounding like I got

Bob Hope, I'm deeply offended by this gift of a new metal you made me, a REAL man would have given me DIAMONDS!

No, but that sounds pretty awesome, actually

"Robotech" was the first thing I thought of when I read this synopsis. I remember getting pretty busted up about a lot of the shit in Robotech, I imagine this would have had a similar effect on me.

He would later drop his surname and go on to direct Re-Animator!

And all I got from the recall was a coupon for Samsung products, a gold phone case, and a SORRY BOUT'CHER HAND

I have a Lumia 635! I'M A MONSTER!

First time I've heard that, and that's adorable.

It's just like cars or home theaters or anything, really. Spend enough time using something and eventually you're going to want to spring for a decent one, particularly if you use it in a professional manner. Me, I'm a copywriter by trade, so I use that to half-heartedly justify my keyboard lust when in reality I just

Don't forget how a Japanese woman committed suicide because Jackie Chan's character in "Dragons Forever" had a girlfriend.

I paid about $50 for mine a few months ago and it wasn't in great shape - A+ pristine ones, especially the giant ones used for servers or whatever, tend to go for a lot more on eBay. Which is odd to think about.

Now I want to start dumpster diving behind ITT buildings and see if I can find any big-ass old IBM Model M keyboards…

I'd love Goggins doing it just because he can be hilarious when he has to be, and I feel like Hallenbeck has to have a real sick sense of humor. Let's get Michael B. Jordan to be Dix just so we have someone who looks convincingly athletic, and we're golden!

Ugh, god, I'm salivating at the very thought. Season 1 has Hallenbeck and Dix out starting the detective agency they promised to, the Tango & Cash season has them working in different departments until some wacky shit gets them framed again, it's perfect!

Holy shit I had that SAME REACTION to A Sound of Thunder. I'd just graduated high school earlier that year and I remember seeing a poster for it in the mall I was working in, and suddenly being confused as to what that was and why it was (back?) in theaters.

I think child stars these days have slightly better odds, so at worst he might drop out of acting to get his Master's in engineering or something.

I've also conflated the two a number of times, and I guess I'm just shocked that EITHER of them are good, let alone the one that's a Jackass spinoff.

Yeah, holy shit, can we talk about how there's a second The Mechanic out of no where?