
Holy shit, that's Singh? I mean, dude's gotta eat, but come on…

I'm going to spend most of today trying to figure out how that last word would actually be pronounced.

Saw it coming, still laughed, disappointed in self.

Is it then worse that Tarsem Singh got some of his best work out of the way basically immediately and is now the guy that directed Immortals, or is it worse that Bekmambetov has done some okay-ish stuff (I'll defend Wanted, at least visually) but hasn't really found his ONE MOVIE yet?

Speaking as a dark-haired big-nosed white guy, I feel like my odds of not getting punched randomly go down every time one of these threads crop up.

Earthface is my favorite stoner metal band.

This is why SPECTRE ruled - he had exactly as much dialogue as Batista is ever supposed to have, but still managed to convey a lot through body language.

Agreed - at no point are you supposed to feel bad for basically anyone in Pain & Gain except maybe The Rock.

Holy shit, I saw Breach in theaters and completely forgot it existed until JUST THIS SECOND, thank you!

I remember not seeing Living Daylights until a few years after we got mad at Afghanistan, and given my lack of historical context for the time Bond helping the Afghani army was SUPER confusing to me at age 17.

I actually liked Pain and Gain a lot, at least relative to Bay's movies that aren't the first Transformers, and given as Pain and Gain didn't show a ton of sympathy to any of its characters (sans maybe the Rock) I actually don't think he would have done the WORST job.

The Other Guys is the closest American equivalent to Hot Fuzz, and as Hot Fuzz is my favorite comedy released in the past 16 years I mean that in the best way possible.


Really? I haven't seen it yet, feel free to spoil it for me.

Yeah, I suppose Beat would be the Bubble Lead of that game.

I feel like Mission Hill existed in some form before the series, but even then the art and viewpoints seem pretty connected to HATE. It's just a softer, gentler version. And I'm saying that as someone who really liked Mission Hill.

I feel like he's voiced by the guy that did Sam in Sam & Max Hit The Road, but I can't guarantee it. I feel like that's oddly appropriate, in a way.

I fucking love HATE and I've been meaning to get more into Neat Stuff. I have the HATE special issue where he does a pretty good look back into his career to that point and I've been meaning to try and explore that earlier stuff but never got around to it. I kinda want to get these collections now, even if that means

Holy shit, is it really? I haven't actually finished it in an extremely long time so I forgot about that, but if that's the case, that kinda sucks.