
That would have been a great idea for a Suicide Squad movie, actually, and far beyond the reach of most everyone involved.

Down here, we all float (except for your balls)


I did an article about this a while ago for one the sites I work for, and while I didn't get into the X series I completely agree with the assessment of 7. 7, to me, is the worst one of the non-X games, even behind 8 for the PSX (which was at least kind of inventive and beautifully drawn, if nothing else) - the level

Hey, if West Virginia can live with it, South Dakota will learn to deal!

One of the first Xbox games I ever played, and I forgot how much I liked it until just now.

Don't blame me, I voted for Callie!

I'm gonna look that up not-at-work just in case "Canadian squirtgun" isn't a thing I want on my search history, but I don't remember that and I want to see it now!

It used to be. Remember how big a deal StarFox Adventures made out of their goddamn fur textures?

I heard that an animator went into a restaurant and ate all the food in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant

Came here to post this - I know George Perez was real heavy into superheroine fetish comics on the side, and he did great for himself in "normal" comics.

I only recently learned that Edd, Edd, 'n Eddy was Canadian and it blew my mind. It seemed just as homegrown as the rest of the Cartoon Network lineup at the time.

Quick, someone tell Paul Westerberg!

I wasn't super into splitting them up from AJ, but at least now they have a chance to talk on their own. I'm gonna miss BEAT UP JOHN CENA, though.

I will never get sick of The Bullet Club making horrible nards jokes every week. Ever. At no point in my life will I want this to go away. I am being completely sincere.

We can't say we weren't warned. I hope everyone was refused refunds just based on them knowing what the title was.

I think there's a good balance - Spider-Man's life is kinda terrible, but he takes it in stride/cracks a lot of jokes to make up for it. I wouldn't really want a Spider-Man being approached like Batman Begins or anything.

That's even worse! I don't want my Spider-Man musical to be totally po-faced but I think the very concept needs to be handled with a little more deft touch than your average Broadway performance is going to allow.

This period is something of a blank spot in my knowledge of animation, and I'm actually kind of interested to check out an episode or two of this. If nothing else it sounds like a strange extension of that mid-to-late-70s Hal Needham/"Any Which Way You Can" era of solid-ol-country-folk-on-an-adventure media. Also,

I distinctly remember doing that "rub your eyes and look at the thing again" double take they do in Roger Moore Bond movies when I saw that fucking title. That fucking title, people. Dear god.