
Heard this as "Particle Man" at first instead, still kinda worked.

This interview really touched on something that I, having never seen it but having heard a few plot summaries, always kind of wondered about. From what I heard of the production and story, I feel like it was skewing way too dark and old for goddamn Spider-Man. I don't mind superhero stories getting serious or

If it keeps producing John Samson material, I guess I don't HAAATEEEE WINNIPEG after all!

This. It's like Blue Moon ice cream, with two parts that taste like Blue Moon + the color they're supposed to be, if that makes sense.

Which has just made me more curious to check the book out, really!

I don't know shit about Westerns old or new, admittedly, but I think The Proposition is fucking fantastic in kind of a Refn-ish sort of way. I also remember liking the Coen's True Grit even if it isn't among their top stuff.


I also did a real brief once-over of a list of movies released in 1991, and its closest competition is Point Break and The Rocketeer - I fucking adore The Rocketeer, but if 1991 goes to anything other than Terminator 2 there'd better be a good goddamn reason. (And I'm sure there would be, but still.)

I really agreed with most of her points in this article, and I thought this was gonna be one of the better HateSongs, but then she started talking shit about ska, and you all know how I get.

Special mention goes to Silver St. Cloud

I love these pieces to death, but given the typical standards of what gets written about I'm gonna assume the edge goes to Commando - T1 might count as a little too sci-fi/film noir for the purposes of this column, and this does free up space to cover the much more action-y T2 when that comes around. I'd be shocked if

In a similar vein, is everyone just talking about Leto's performance because he has Imminent Death Syndrome?

In the second Metal Gear for MSX, back when everyone was drawn to look like celebrities, Campbell was honest to god a drawing of Trautmann from Rambo 2. This was the same game where Snake was Mel Gibson and Big Boss was Sean Connery.

The late 90s Star Wars PC games had that same problem. By all rights the final one should have been Star Wars Dark Forces 4: Jedi Knight 3: Jedi Outcast 2: Jedi Academy

That's some information I needed much earlier in my life. I'm not comfortable with how both Breathless and Tess shaped my…er…preferences, growing up.

Goddammit I JUST posted this without seeing it - good work. Always been curious to see Hoffman's Deckard.

I feel like Hoffman has a bit of a history of "I almost played this real iconic part but then didn't"; I can't remember a ton of examples but I know he was the first choice to be Deckard in Blade Runner back when the script was still called "Dangerous Days".

Leonard makes Youtube videos where he reviews frozen pizza.

I have ALWAYS meant to watch that and completely forgot it existed until just this second, thank you!

Good call on the mention of Class of 1984 - I fucking love that movie even if I got it conflated with a few other trashy 80s high school movies around the same time. (Also, Shaolin Temple is pretty fucking great even if I haven't seen it in forever).