
Okay, that sounds like a shame, but I was kind of afraid the author was gonna pull a Dave Sims and turn into some insane misogynist or something, so that's still kinda reassuring.

NOPE! Or, at least…probably not. I dunno, I'm not trying to judge.


I've always wanted to see if Luigi could take Indiana Jones, and…well…

You know, I've been trying to place exactly why the title was bothering me so much, and you've nailed it - I've never heard "sausage party", 'round here it was always "sausage fest" and I've never heard anyone call it otherwise. Maybe it's a regional thing, maybe Rogen got high and conflated it with "lemon party", but

I used to read The Goon when I was a lot longer, did it take a dive at some point?

Green Hornet is FINE, GODDAMMIT

I own Day of Reckoning and haven't watched it yet, and I really have no excuse for that.

No shit, I thought he was posting some vague tweets about him quitting or something. That's good to hear!

Oh no! I had no idea and that's terrible!

Not proud of having to look up where that was. Good work, though.

(Hey, me too, my address is MILES from my house in St. Clair Shores!) Yeah, Rhyno and Sabu fought at an auditorium in Wyandotte recently and it was pretty sick. Sabu's looking kinda rough, but he's cool.

ALBUM RULES. I was in a ska band that briefly toyed with covering Holland, 1945 and I'm so happy that this happened.

I've been meaning to, I bought it over the summer and I watched M:I and M:I-II recently since it's been longest since I've seen those (and I remember preferring SPECTRE to Rogue Nation at the time) but maybe I didn't give it the fairest chance.


Wait, is Doug my age? Neat!

I dunno, I love Vic but it isn't enough to make me read Suicide Squad…

HOT TAKE (BRRRRRAP): I think 2 is SUPER underrated, and I MIGHT actually put it ahead of Rogue Nation, which I only saw once in theaters and remember being really underwhelmed by after the unstoppable 1-2 punch of III and Ghost Protocol, which remain the highlights of the series to me. Despite studio interference, it

I feel like Farscape wouldn't be a hideous movie, if done right. Still needs the goddamn puppets, though.

What a…specific thing to threaten someone with!