
Is Harper actually coming back, though? He was the only Wyatt I ever liked.

I dunno…Lundgren? Mulcahy? Offices? I might give it a shot anyway.

Huh, no shit. I mean…I still like him as a director, but it's weird to think he has a ringer for fight scenes. Those tend to kind of be the centerpiece of his movies, you know?

I gave up on DC during Countdown and never went back; is NOBODY the Question right now?

Oh shit, you live in Rhyno's district? I used to live in Taylor not far from there, that's awesome. Did you see his live show over the weekend?

…wait, really? Is that all second-unit stuff?

I'm Pesty Mercenary, which I kind of love

Guys, Silent Trigger sounds fucking GREAT and I need to find it.

You laugh, but I will be shocked if there isn't some obnoxious thinkpiece/try-hard college student essay already called "Superman Shrugged", and whatever it is I fucking hate it already

I feel like I'm gonna get fired from Internet Wrestling Opinions™ for saying it, but I actually found the Roman/Rusev segment weirdly charming. It reminded me of a lot of the 'tweener' shit people would do in the Monday Night Wars, and watching Roman's facial expressions and more natural dialogue was actually kind of

I make no apologies for who I am or how many black skinny ties I own!

"The writer is being blacklisted and we have the actors for another day, sooooo…"

My blurry vision sees nothing wrong with this post!

Any ending in which you can use the phrase "suddenly [blank] appears" in a synopsis is already in trouble.

Also, his stupid hat in Can't Hardly Wait!

God, what a sassy-ass article. I love the idea of Cake being the favorite band of computer programmers, I couldn't stop laughing at the phrase "pop-rap choads", and I do like the at least passing mention of the fact the American radio pop-punk revival was still happening.

Agreed fully - even despite the weird noise tracks, "The Beauty Between" is mostly top-to-bottom ideal driving music. Can't wait to hear more of Erica's solo stuff.

Joder…sounds like "chode"…and that's totally what he is! MY GOD IT'S FULL OF STARS

I just looked it up, and I'm SUPER depressed about it. Liman did Edge of Tomorrow and Bourne Identity, which is still the best one of those. Dude's gotta eat, I guess.

The universe is full of people getting wronged and seeing elaborate retribution for it! What about the whales, dammit?!