
Okay, let's not act like that's the ONLY reason.

I think that's it. He's an okay wrestler when he's feeling motivated (as opposed to when he spends five minutes putting Sheamus in a rest hold) but I hated him in his Legend Killer days and he's just never amused me at all since then.

How much is Greg Ginn getting from this? Considering how he treats his bandmates and labelmates, he's either getting ALL of it, or he's somehow not seeing a penny.

Ugh, I never thought I'd say this but "DC BOMBSHELLS SOUNDS GREAT AND I'D LIKE TO READ IT"

Hey, I'm getting there! This one was just…free, is all.

Huh. No shit. I'll take it! (Is Zatanna in it?)

I initially read this to mean "or if you're a dick" like worrying if you're a dick for feeling a way about a certain movie. Which I have absolutely done once or twice.

Haven't there been examples of movies that never actually came out getting super-high IMDB scores? None come to mind, but I swear I've seen some "The Day The Clown Cried"-type shit get high marks on IMDB for whatever reason.

You know, I gave up on the MCU a long time ago, but I remember not hating Iron Man 2.

Unless I heard wrong, I think after the amount of edits this movie got period, I'm willing to assume they asked everyone possible to edit it. I have Windows Movie Maker, I could have put my hat in the ring.

This was my favorite recent TED talk!

Like…I kinda want to be impressed by this, but if I'm ever "impressed" by how DC handles that kinda thing it's generally because I'm shocked and awed by how wrongheaded and bad it is.

I believe it was Nietzsche who said "Battle not with Snyder, lest ye totally miss the fucking point of most superhero concepts, goddamn dude"

I fucking hope not, but I upvoted this for your amazing summation of movie titles.

Hell, I'd even take a return to the old O'Neil Buddhist Question, I fucking love that series! I JUST WANT ANOTHER QUESTION SERIES, GODDAMMIT

^^ This is why I'm not that into Telltale, period. I did dig Sam & Max, but that's probably just good will from Hit the Road being the second PC game I ever played.


No shit? I'm disappointed but maybe not a little surprised.

Having recently gone meatless not long ago, I am SUPER JEALOUS I didn't think of this first - top marks.

Waxwork and Bud the CHUD both rule, but I've never actually seen Return of the Living Dead 3! Shit…I might have never seen the second one, actually…