
I disagree with Drew Carey a lot politically, but on little else - his music taste is great, this episode was awesome, and he had whatever the newest Sega system was in his house at all times, which is fine by me!

I think $40 IS the discount. Unless you're into those open-world Bethesda slogs that I've grown pretty tired of recently, there's not a ton of long single player experiences these days.

Upvoted both for the Becky sympathy (not a fan, but she still deserves better) and also your name/avatar situation.

I also think it might have something to do with the Enzo accident - it was kind of a fuck up on both their parts, but I feel like WWE has had a habit of punishing people for injuring anyone they have their eye on, like they clearly do for 'Zo.

Orton sucks, and I appreciate you saying so.


That kid has the right idea, really.

According to Wikipedia, yeah, he died on July 26th and your post is the first thing I heard about it, anywhere.

Does anyone here remember when Disqus made me go by my real name, and everyone was really cool about the fact my name is Tim Allen?

I absolutely adored The Wizard as a kid, for obvious fuckin' reasons, but it didn't dawn on me how dark it was until later. Who the fuck was that weird bolo tie child-finder?

It's an edge case at best, but Dream A Little Dream SORTA counts for this. Jason Robards trapped in Corey Feldman's body due to particularly vague reasons (that I can recall), even for this genre, while Corey Feldman is in some kind of dreamland limbo? Even ends with a musical number!

If we're counting underlings, Famke Janssen in Goldeneye!

HAH! "SAUSAGE"! IT'S PERFECT! said me when I was like 14

I saw a couple Metropolis police cars whiz by me on Grand River in Detroit once, that ruled. I was also there to see a few cars get wrecked for Transformers 4, and then I got to meet the cars that played Bumblebee and Crosshairs.

I'm with you - I prefer the more armor-y look of his second one to the weird fake muscles a lot of them have, and the Bale suits are pretty cool but kinda busy sometimes.

Hah! Shit, I have a few of those, I should look it up sometime. (also, fantastic av, friend-o)

Alright, that was pretty great.

I've never seen you mention it, and as glib as this probably sounds from a stranger on the internet, you have my sympathies no matter how long ago it happened.

Same. I have a hard enough time handling things on my own, the last thing I need is to burden some unsuspecting child with it.

I fucking love Blood Diner and I'm so happy it's been more prominent lately, I feel like there's been an increase in screenings of it lately and it totally deserves its place as one of the better 80s horror also-rans.