
I think my favorite part was Xavier saying "…a game of Bag of Fruit" like it's a thing we've all done and know what it is.

I've always been really curious about that TV Bourne movie, I've heard the exact same thing in regards to its accuracy.


Never quite caught the Dirk Pitt fever, I read the first two Bournes and thought they were okay but it didn't stick with me, and about a year or so after my Clancy phase I fell hard down the James Bond rabbit hole…a hole from which I have never fully returned, and I have far more fond memories of the Bond novels than

It's At The Drive-In songs with lyrics replaced from sexually explicit R&B and hair metal songs. I'd listen to that at least twice.

See, you make it sound AWESOME and you never once had to mention shipping!

Stuart from The Flop House mentions it during a brief discussion of Harris and other similar works. And that actually sounds pretty interesting, I wasn't aware Harris went more into geo-political/'terrorism thriller' kinda stuff. (And I had a HUGE Clancy phase in high school, so…)

I had the Alien novelization by good ol Ally Deany, and it was pretty great at the time.

I don't know shit about the books, so that's actually pretty interesting to see - that Clarice ending is pretty fucking terrible, but I can almost ALMOST sort of see the hoops Harris would jump through to get to that point.

I've known a million of those guys, and they all run really bland Tumblr blogs where they review expensive guitar pedals no regular human would ever have a need for.

Alright, you know what, that sounds pretty good, considering the approach I prefer to the Hannibal mythos. Admittedly I actually prefer Hannibal to Red Dragon, as Red Dragon was just kind of bladly there whereas Hannibal at least had weird Gothic trashiness to bolster it up, but I'm still putting Hannibal third if

I'll grant you - the poker scenes are not exactly an exercise in CINEMATIC EXCITEMENT but the rest of that movie is, to me at least, un-friggin-deniable.

Meanwhile, look at Dischord!

They know the monster they've created!

And in return, considering the strong opinions I have about Cartoon Network, I really can't throw shade at someone for Hannibal! So well met, sir or madam!

I want so bad to take credit for that but it just kinda…happened. Nothing to tear my heart out over, though!

Me too, it comes in handier than you might expect!

(Also, thank you for the kind words!)

Those are a few points I will absolutely agree with you on - a LOT of Last Crusade has that "people didn't like the second one, BACKPEDAL HARD!" mentality I feel like a lot of "third" movies do (and yet here I am unable to think of an example off the top of my head) - no, the Nazis didn't need to be in the third one,

And I'll stand by my claim!