
Mine specifically? Rarely; I am, after all, a man who just defended The Offspring in another thread here. But if you're using "yours" to indicate people in general thinking "yes dammit I think this and it is TOTALLY TRUE" then absolutely.

HEY! You're also forgetting the Crazy Taxi soundtrack, BUDDY!

I don't give a SHIT, I love The Offspring and always have. Their last one wasn't good by any means but it wasn't nearly as reprehensible as "Rise and Fall".

I'm not even really considering it a fault, I just feel like it has pretty unique pacing considering its time of release and subject matter.

God, you know what…Billy Talent is one of those bands that I always get a lot of shit for liking but I have most of their albums and I really dig them. I did not, however, know this was coming out and I really should get on that.

I'm right there with you on that second thing, and admittedly I never watched Fuller's because everyone I knew IRL that liked it kind of…put me off. Not a good thing to judge a work against, I know, (it took me a while to come around on Steven Universe for similar reasons) but I just can't take that plunge.

100% agreed - it's like blaming a good band for the terrible bands they inspire. I love RLM for what they do, and they actually have valid criticisms, but their approach is different from the juvenile "LOL FAIL" approach most of those dipshit Youtubers take.

Mac, what role do you perceive yourself as, in our group?

This is what I thought the biggest strike against Escape From New York was for this column; I love that movie to death but it's still kind of in that 70s vein of "not that many action scenes, actually" and is far more concerned with mood and setting. All of which it does well, but out of the Big 3 listed in this piece

…Country Mac?

CAN'T WAIT! Maybe he'll mention Blade Runner, which is my favorite movie that doesn't say "Ghostbusters" anywhere on the box!

I only saw it recently when I had a weird Michael Mann phase, and I thought it was beautiful. Mann films usually are, so I can't be surprised (speaking as someone who prefers Manhunter to the typically accepted Hannibel oeuvre).

POLITE AND RESPECTFUL REBUTTAL: Doom and Last Crusade both double-down on one particular aspect of Raiders to their individual detriments. Doom focuses on the supernatural, grittier aspects and has better action and more surprising/violent content but at the cost of sacrificing the 'fun' vibe and globetrotting aspects

You find me one fan theory that isn't "ASH/BATMAN/GOKU/RICK DECKARD/INDY/DENNIS REYNOLDS/MARTY/MORTY/HARRY POTTER WAS DEAD ALL ALONG!"…and I'm still not gonna fucking read that bullshit, I'll just begrudgingly accept it's existence.

THANK YOU. I used to love Red Letter Media but then EVERYONE started doing it, and now it's boring and pedantic. I hate that shit so much, even if I feel a little hypocritical bitching about it.

UGH GOD WHAT A GOOD ASS YEAR (AND ACCOMPANYING ARTICLE). Escape From New York is my favorite John Carpenter, Road Warrior is still my favorite Mad Max even with as perfect as Fury Road was, and…fucking Raiders, man! Just READING a recap of most of Raiders' scenes put a smile on my face, and I have a super hard time

I wish they could parlay that into including the Tall Man into their "Classic Universal Monsters" deals they do sometimes, but alas~

This is a big big part of why Husker Du isn't a thing anymore; the members couldn't agree on how to best fight back against Ginn's handling of their material and so the band doesn't exist and their albums are stuck in SST limbo. Like, you can buy them, but they're not super prevalent and the Huskers aren't really

That makes sense, Universal gets weird about that stuff.