
Super true, but I think it's fair to say at least the Craig-era films invite the comparison due to the pretty naked Bourne influence on Casino Royale, at the very least. (Casino Royale is also amazing, soooo)

Yeah, I had a real good year for trashy 80s cinema. Most of the credit goes to the girl I was dating at the time, admittedly.


Ain't too into Kevin Smith these days, but I can't act like I don't occasionally reflect on his speech about Imperial employees from Clerks.

OHMSS is my favorite pre-Brosnan Bond movie. You can count on my steel, sir or madam.

Goddammit, Bourne is back! Someone get me the *ATLANTA FALCONS*

It was in one of the trailers, and as a big fan of the first one I have to say I felt a weird sort of joy in hearing it again.

Somewhere between Batman Begins and Bourne Identity, we got to keep James Bond for another few years. I owe it gratitude for that if nothing else.


Run Lola Run owns and I only ever saw it because I love her in the first Bourne.

You know what? I always kinda compared the first three to the Matrix movies; the first one works far better as a stand-alone (and is the best one) whereas the second two really only work in comparison to each other and they're kind of indistinguishable, at least when compared to the first.

I'm super biased towards the Bond franchise period, but 100% this. I can tell the Bond movies apart, whereas the second and third Bourne movies are just kind of one big car chase to me.

Alright, I'll absolutely agree with this - I prefer Liman's original to either of the Greengrass films, but he really kept with the down-to-earth look of the first one that you didn't see a lot of then and don't see a lot of now. Garbage cans, dimly lit outdoor scenes, gross alleyways…they all kind of recall the best

It also has the exact same problem of seeming to end at various points and then comes roaring back to ill-defined life shortly thereafter.

Oh shit, I forgot Ravager was still happening!

All of this sounds about right - I don't hate the series by any means but always kinda felt like it peaked at the first one for the same reasons the article mentioned, and this one looks like it's just another collection of people being lit by computer monitors while Matt Damon beats up Europeans.

What a GOOD ASS ARTICLE, everyone! I goddamn love Joe Dante, I goddamn love the first Howling, and I had no idea how many of these fucking things there were. Let's get this Craig fella on more of these - what about like Warlock or Phantasm or something?

Reform School Girls totally rules, but I saw that and Class of 1984 like two days apart, both times kind of inebriated, so I used to kind of conflate them even if I acknowledge that's not exactly accurate.

Ohhhhhhhhhh. Hey, it still helped!

No, that is surprisingly sweet and deep, but you gotta figure the guys were best friends, Feldman would absolutely bring his A-game to his defense.