
I was in a band in 2010 that was precariously close to opening for Truth Movement at a real shithole venue in a minimall about 45 minutes north of Detroit. Kinda sad it didn't happen.

I wonder if being shirtless and covered in ice water would help with the robbery. It'd make you waaaaaay more intimidating looking, that's for sure.

Ah, so the ALS was getting money anyway? That kinda explains it.

I also always went by the color scheme - the Genesis' palette is inherently darker than the Super Nintendo, so even the more colorful games were still sort of grittier and dimmer than their counterparts - look at any Sonic vs. Super Mario World, for example.

So, someone please explain it to me like I'm a complete idiot. I remember when this was a thing, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how it made any money? Was the goal to donate in lieu of actually pouring the ice on yourself, or did you have to do both? I never really had a good grasp on WHAT it was

I also would have accepted "The Big Ice Bucket was my favorite Dragnet episode and/or Elmore Leonard novel"

What a good-ass article. I forget how silly the ending is amidst everything else in this game that was goofy as shit.

Totally stoked about Ziggler getting the chance at the belt - I sort of want it to lead to a Ziggler/Styles feud after Summerslam because they're both mad about how the belt thing turned out, and I both really don't want to see Styles fight Cena anymore and want Ziggler to get better than he has been lately.


I was just talking about this with a coworker, and I assumed that was why her IMDB page was so short. Clearly she had the chops for it, maybe it was just hard to break out of that "ghost-singer" mold after a certain point?

I did, thank you! Pretty interesting, and now I'm curious to see the movie with this in mind already.

I didn't see it, and I'm also a giant idiot and I'm super bad at noticing this sort of thing: what exactly does the It Follows monster symbolize? (Go ahead and spoil it for me, and HUGE APOLOGIES if this spoils it for anyone else)

Tamarind rules, and I will always have a soft spot for the Guava. Pure, pure guava.

I'll take it, thank you!

I will never stop mourning the loss of Disaster Transport and I'm glad I went on it like four times the last time I was at Cedar Point.

I'm '87, and I remember not really having a generational divide until people started bitching about whether or not we were Gen Y or Millenial. I'VE NEVER HAD A HOME!

Wait. Wait. This is EXACTLY how I feel.

YES I KNOW BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN (you're totally right though)

Yeah, this is one of those album titles that works way better if you insert the band's name, like "Ramones Leave Home" or "The Replacements Stink" (at least one of which was deffo intentional)