
Did he explain why? Was there a reason he couldn't get another factory-stock camera to do the thing he needed it to do? (I'm something of a failed Media Production student so go ahead and talk to me like I'm an idiot)

That's right, it's been a good long while since I've seen anything past Season 3.

Exactly. Is your life at all enriched by the presence of more jean shorts and fedoras?

My husband saw that movie once. It stayed for a little while, and then went away.

Couldn't drive in real life either, if I remember right.

That's where we get the "Or maybe he's a fuckin' idiot. Historically, that's been the case" line when Tony is talking to Dr. Melfi, right?

I suppose I had the privilege of not having to deal with them until I decided I was super into the new Ghostbusters, and then I noticed how negative an impact they had on women I knew personally and considered friends, and I decided they had to go - enemy of my friend and all that. I consider it a positive change.

Ah yes, you've been exposed to the Molson family and Labatt "I'm Basically A Domestic Because I Own Too Many Michigan Sports Arenas" Blue, by the sound of it

SPOILERS, sign! Come on!

The list of things I wouldn't give to live in a world where Return of Kings isn't a thing that exists is short, and probably says a lot about me as a person.

Also a radio show host, which I think is worth mentioning even if slightly redundant in this context

Holy shit, that bridge is in my hometown and I know the presiding judge through a tangential family connection. This is horrible.

That's a valid point - the increased goofiness of Dean even leading up to his title run (Mitch, mostly) could be an attempt at further face-ing him to the parts of the crowd that might not be as into him being champ.

Christ, I would love this so fucking much.

GO TELL IT ON THE FUCKIN' MOUNTAIN, BROTHER. I am so far past ever giving a single goddamn shit about any Wyatt match thanks to the Unending Bray Cycle.

Is there a Disqus Gold Account I can buy so I can upvote this like six more times? Brock sucks. PrincessOfBrains and I have a long-standing tradition of doing jerk-off hand motions whenever anyone mentions him during matches.

Me, I just worry that AJ's current heel turn might be a momentum killer. It's kind of a bowdlerized WWE version of his shenanigans in the Bullet Club, which is fine, but between his loss to Jericho at WM (I have always goddamn loved Jericho but even I thought that was a weird decision) and his current feud with both

I think Dean is going to be a little more scripted right now just due to being heavyweight champ - they clearly let him fly up to this point, I think he now just has more "beats" he's supposed to hit since he's The Dude currently.

Hasn't he missed a lot of them off and on, though? I thought he was back in Japan for a bit on non-NXT business.