
I thought I read somewhere that Bayley has been actually trying to resist being called up for a little bit, like she's enjoying her position in NXT too much and is trying to leverage that a little better.

Shinsuke shared a picture of him and Itami wearing really nice suits (weird seeing Nakamura dressed like a human and not a Jojo's character) with some vague text about Itami being ready to go again, so I think he'll probably be back after the big round of call-ups. I like Itami a lot but I dunno if they'll draft him

Casino Royale being on your list means you and I are gonna get along just fine.

You know, I think I'm with Miller on this one. Raiders is goddamn flawless at what it tries to do, but it's (rightly and deservedly) more interested in building on the filmmaker's favorite movies of their youth more than paving a way forward. I feel like with as influential as Raiders was on fun summer adventure


I remember both the Duchovny episode at large, and that Polar Bear Cage skit with the utmost fondness, and I hadn't thought about either of them until just now.

I happen to know it VERY well, although that's due to reruns, my dad owning the CD it appeared on, and an obnoxiously precocious need on my part to understand pop culture references at a young age that I blame Animaniacs for.

Would you mind explaining the context for that line? I'm asking sincerely, I don't know what it's in reference to and I'm curious as to how bad it was.

This is the first I've heard of this (I think?) and it's fucking heartbreaking. I love Norm MacDonald to death, but the fact that this shit was considered okay even by the mid 90's is fucking awful.

Oh, my mistake! I thought I read somewhere that he was technically an American whose family moved when he was real young. Good to know!

I haven't seen Iron Man 3, somehow, and every goddamn thing I learn about it indicates I need to.

Last Boy Scout is goddamn awesome and I won't goddamn hear otherwise. Good list.

I feel like Christopher Lambert has had this same problem at times with exactly HOW French he actually is, but I think he had a similar situation to Gibson in that he's an American who spent most of his life in France and then moved back eventually.

I've not seen Valkyrie but I still kind of prefer that approach versus either attempting for the accent of wherever it's set OR doing that "every foreign person is British" thing you see in a lot of movies/TV shows set in the Middle East or India.

I just found out about this movie and it sounds amazing. Thank you.

I've recently spent a lot of time reflecting on how much of my sense of humor was from 90's 'alternative' comedy that my dad watched when I was a kid. Between late-80s-mid-90s SNL, Mr. Show, MST3k, and Kids in the Hall, I think most of what I think is funny really stems from that era even if the vast majority of the

You know, I can remember a tiny handful of occasions of that happening, and it always confused me. Even if I hadn't heard of like 60% of the hosts or musical guests at that point, it still ruined the episode for me! These things have a set order, dammit!

Ballad of Gay Tony is the best thing that GTAIV ever did, this song included.

Kate McKinnon has been SNL's MVP since she got there and she's maybe the thing I'm most excited about in the new Ghostbusters.

When I was a lot younger, SNL was the first place I ever saw Michael McKean and it blew my mind for a long, long time to see him in anything before that.