
Wasn't there a Pfeiffer-themed fast food restaurant at some point?

Rage is the only reason I, as a 12 year old, knew about Mumia Abu-Jamal, which helped when I read about him in a weird local music magazine my dad used to bring me home. Dumb as it sounds, it really was one of the first times I felt more aware of the world at large outside of what N64 games were coming out this year.

This is the first I've heard of this, but from what I understand a lot of cocaine overdoses can be seen as heart defects, or have a tendency to exacerbate existing heart conditions. So maybe he had a shitty heart, and then did cocaine, and It Can Be Two Things!

Can we talk about how great Big Dumb Face totally was? A friend of mine still has the habit of declaring his favorite weapon in any given video game as the "Mighty Pen-Is Lasar" (spelled phonetically).

Is Brandon Flowers in any of them? I know he's done some in the recent past.

That's exactly the copy I have - I really only knew about it because of the Queen connection, and the VHS box doesn't do a shit ton to indicate what's about to happen.

My favorite example of this is Donald Pleasance as the surprisingly British President of America in Escape From New York. Allegedly at one point during filming, Pleasance came up with a pretty well thought-out reason as to why the President would have a British accent, and Carpenter basically told him nobody was going

I ask this in all sincerity - are you my dad? Because that was a story he just told me like last week.

So, wait, is Gotham in New Jersey now?

That's probably right. I know it isn't mentioned as much as it is in the Marvel universe, and I guess I lived a while under the impression Gotham occupied the same place geographically, but you're probably onto something there.

I…I didn't know that, actually, thank you! Now I hate it MORE!

Imagine all five of us pulling up on second-hand bikes while Saint Pepsi and Blank Banshee blare out of a nearby boombox. Perfection.

My least favorite is when unrelated books have variant covers relating to it. Please don't put a bad drawing of movie-verse Batman and Superman on a Teen Titans cover to promote Batman vs. Superman.

He is, but I think that was a polite way of saying that Batman was the New 52 title that people hated least, or at least complained about least often.

It has led to a lot of confusion over where the hell it's supposed to be located, especially since IIRC there are some versions of the DCU where they have both NY AND Gotham.

Jacquin' le Steeze

I have one. It's as bad as you think.


I…I like Streets of Fire.

Right? Like he's still just a regular-ass cop doing regular-ass cop things even as it all goes to shit around him. I was also surprised with how long the movie actually takes to get to the 'revenge' plot, and I love the nihilistic anti-climax ending.