
I think my favorite part of LALD is Moore's performance; in that movie he captures more of what I always figured to be one of Bond's more defining traits from the novels, the idea that this is just a job to him. It's a job he's good at and (typically) doesn't mind doing, but I love how much of Moore's performance


Aw, really? I fucking love Live and Let Die, and I think View to a Kill is underrated (but not…great, by any means).

Moonraker is silly, TMWTGG is just…bad. I feel bad openly hating on a Bond movie, but I guaran-goddamn-tee I will never watch that or Die Another Day again at any point in my life.

This is why I love Super Mario Bros, The Wizard, and the original animated Transformers, no doubt.

The hell is this, I made sure to go to Coney Island when I visited New York and I didn't see no damn Warriors shirts!

One of a tiny handful of reasons I've held onto my Xbox. Shouldn't be hard to track down if you find the urge too hard to resist.

That's why I like Mad Max so much actually, it's in this weird nightmarish grey area where society is on the way out and nobody can control much of anything, but there's still cops and vehicles and stuff. Maybe it's just a little played out now, but I think that's actually a much more interesting setting than the

But I love those! I miss the days when a game would have to adopt their own staff members as the 'cast' in a game!

Fuck, I TOTALLY FORGOT about Barbeau in the Fog, she was so good.

That's one of my favorite Moore moments. Just shooting a now-defenseless old man…several times…in the fucking balls. God DAMN, Bond.

Moonraker sucks butts, but everything Drax does is gold even if he's kind of a rehash of Stromberg. I also remember wincing at the g-force chamber torture sequence.

And the announcer from Carmen Sandiego!

"What do you think of their Warriors article?" "WHOLE LOTTA MAGIC"

Also, Satan's Mothers just for the goddamn name

"Gonna go with the Moonrunners just because of their logo" he says, fully aware he has a Mac Tonight Disqus avatar

My choice too, just for the goddamn name. That's what I would have named my WCW tag team when I was 12.

Nope, that movie fucking rules and you have nothing to feel bad about.

My dad once told me the first time he saw this movie in a shitty neighborhood of either Youngstown or Columbus, he was so fucking pumped about it (being, like, 18 or so at the time) he started clinking some beer bottles at some random strangers in a nearby park for funsies.

TWICE, if you count the credits.