
Was this also not called Batman Triumphant at some point or was that something else?
EDIT: I posted this before I read the shared Wiki article, but I will leave this here as a tribute to my ignorance.

My best friend and I had a phase where we'd drive out of town to go to different thrift stores every year for a summer (around 2012) and I swear to you every one we would go to had a mountain of those mugs, and every time we found them we'd buy them, eventually leading up to a massive treasure trove we found at

Some doofus in fingerless gloves and a sleeveless hoodie who fancied himself a man of "tellin' it like it is!" that made a series of increasingly poorly-thought-out and generally unfortunate jokes about Seal. The NICEST thing I can say is that maybe they weren't INTENTIONALLY racist but he had some mega bad wording

Remember when HateSongs weren't written by poorly dressed racist hacks? AV CLUB REMEMBAHS!

Ugh, that's fucking perfect. I was too young to appreciate that angle when it came out (even though I loved that record) but this is spot-on.

I remember loving that song so goddamn much when I was in middle school and then never really liking a U2 release post that. I really can't get past my sentimentality towards All That You Can't Leave Behind even if it isn't exactly my favorite U2 release.

Only if they include the pirated Dilbert strips!

Admittedly kind of underwhelmed, but I'll be goddamned if I'm not stoked as hell about Knapsack playing anywhere, let alone Fest.

I literally have this exact same problem with The Get Up Kids; everything is pre-Something… or post.

This is one of those examples of me remembering the Weird Al version ahead of the real one - see also "The Saga Begins" and "Amish Paradise"

We Talkin' "You Talkin' U2 To Me" To You, Too

I have pretty fond memories of Pop, but mostly due to how a friend of mine and I would insist changing the chorus to "Robotech" instead. The rest of the song needn't change.


This is one of a few soundtracks that hung around with me as a kid much longer than the movie did. I mostly bought this because there was an Offspring song on it (and because I, too, was obsessed with Seal for a while and don't regret a goddamn thing) but I remember being super into it for a while. I had a similar

Only after I get a fully animated and voiced version of the strip about sucking dick at Office Depot will I know I can shuffle off this mortal coil.

You know, I like this article a lot. I freely and willingly admit that I used to be one of these guys, but fuck it, people can like what they like - them blowing up my Facebook feed with sports opinions is no different than me blowing theirs up with E3 announcements or Fest lineup announcements, and I'm no longer the

I can't act like that isn't subconsciously why I say "SOOOO GOOD" in that cadence still.

Holy shit this is the same venue? That's SO GOOD

I appreciated Onstad's attempt, but…eh.

I think this is exactly that Calvin & Hobbes problem - nobody has a good counter-suggestion because nobody can truly articulate what they should sound like. But I agree fully on Huss.