
And BTTF's started as a refrigerator, so if there's one thing we learned it's that you have to build your time machine out of either a vehicle or out of a long rectangular installation that humans shouldn't be in for long periods, if at all.

No, no, these are the ones we have to encourage! They can tell the difference, surely!

Seconded, I'm not as familiar with De Palma's work as I'd like to be, but Untouchables is SO GOOD


I am so in love with the idea of a PC game being a sequel to a LARP or whatever.

Okay, I thought so, but I had a creeping feeling that it was gonna be something completely different and I have a crippling fear of being wrong on the internet! Thank you!

There's probably a ton of posts about this already, but wasn't there a game that was sort of based on these novels? I thought STALKER was based on something else but I could be mistaken.

I was already kind of on my way out during New 52, but I did hear pretty good things about that.

THAT'S where I knew that name from! He's the second most goddamn entertaining part of that whole movie!

Okay, this all really cleared it up for me, thank you. I actually remember hearing great things about Cerberus at first when I was a much younger man and more active comic reader, but I never tracked it down and then didn't hear anything about it for years until after the…er…changes. I HAVE, however, skimmed the Reads

Jim Mahfood is fucking awesome and everything he draws is beautiful.

He, no doubt, assists in the sex-ifying of said adventures.

I don't know much about Dave Sims and I have never read Cerberus so I'm trying super hard to not sound like I'm passing judgment or really even holding an opinion on something I admittedly don't much understand. But everything I've read about Sims' viewpoints really did look to me like some kind of mental break. Like,

Thank you!

I didn't mind him popping up in 52, but other than that, Animal Man is done as a solo story for me. I agree fully.


This REALLY bummed me out for some reason, and the mention of Westerberg at the end didn't help.

Came here to post this. Morrison's Animal Man is the only Animal Man era I've read, and that last issue fucking destroyed me, particularly the part at the end where Morrison talks about that fox or dog or whoever it was that passed away on him.

I also feel like there was an Ultimate Spider-Man run where Kingpin "bought" Spider-Man's likeness and merchandise rights so he was making millions off Spider-Man toys.

I would say the art changed subtly the same way anyone who draws the same comic for a few years does, but I don't feel like it was a total overhaul in any way.