
It made it all the way over here to Southeast Michigan, and I goddamn loved it!

And there isn't a single Ween or Tom Petty song to be heard!

Man, I really wanted to play that as a kid, too!

That game is AWESOME, and it's super underrated. I'll also defend both Clockwork Knights to the death.

Jesus CHRIST I would love that.

I had a huge indie comics/comix phase when I was between the ages of 10 and 12 or so. I had a ton of Milk and Cheese, some The Tick, some Hate! and Flaming Carrot…stuff maybe a LITTLE advanced for me, but whatever, I loved the art and weird characters and it made me feel intellectually superior to my grade school

Sooooo…my step-mom? Every step-mom?

I'm hearing that to the melody of Matt Good's "Everything is Automatic"

"Do you wanna see some really bland comedy that perpetuates stereotypes about white girls?" "Nah, I think I'm hyper enough as it is."

Spoil it for me: why?

That description sounds like it was tailor-made to try and get more American distribution, I'm really surprised it got buried like it did.

Yeah, it's super 70s looking and stars the…uh…goofy old guy from Just Shoot Me whose name is escaping me right now. Wasn't bad!

As soon as I can, I'd be delighted, sir or madam!

I love literally everything in this post, and I absolutely need to check this out now.

Whoa whoa whoa, Adventure Time coverage is gone?

This sounds like a weird Dolemite insult. "INSECURE HIGH-HOPE-HAVING MOTHERFUCKERS"

"Is that Taika Waititi? Moltar, I could go to jail in Mexico if he found out I was pirating his last movie! Don't look over here! We're talking about…dragons!"

Two Minutes' Hulk

I dated a girl briefly who wanted to take me to that after exposing me (x-posing?) to my first ever X-Men movie, and I kinda regret changing the subject every time she brought it up.

Holy shit, that album is what taught me what a recurring motif in film scores is. And I goddamn love it for that.