
Shamefully enough I've not seen it. I own it on both DVD and VHS and still have not quite worked up to it. No more excuses, it's going on my Summer List!

And I guess I just like that take on him, you know? Like he's sort of disaffected by what's going on around him because it's his job. "Sure, megalomaniac wants to bomb a city of millions, I'm on it". It would be super easy to screw that sort of characterization up but if they stick with Craig's continuity going

I think Refn doing a Sandman Mystery Theater or The Question adaptation would be pretty alright.

HOT TAKE: The only Connery movies I REALLY like are Thunderball and FRWL. Never thought Goldfinger, Dr. No, or YOLT were all they were cracked up to be, and for every watchable scene in Diamonds Are Forever something embarrassing happens.

OOOOH, I like that!

The Remonster can only be killed by stabbing him in the heart with the ancient bone saber of Zumacalis!

Also, not to be contrarian, but I've long felt like the two most book-accurate performances were specifically Moore in Live and Let Die and Craig in SPECTRE, with an honorable mention going to Brosnan in Goldeneye. Moore and Craig in those two specific movies both sort of embody the "UGH NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN"

Holy shit, this got right by me.

View to a Kill is goddamn fantastic and my OTHER favorite 80s Bond movie, with Living Daylights a close third. For Your Eyes Only is…defensible at best, and I've kind of always hated Octopussy. I do agree with your assessment of Brosnan, though, and I totally love both Goldeneye AND Tomorrow Never Dies.

Actually, if we really want to play the Casino Royale card (no pun intended), maybe the crawl could go at the end discussing the impact this movie had on the war as a whole?

Depends on when you first read comics, I imagine.

Hey wait, I forgot he was in the recent Mission Impossibles and those are all "fine" at worst!

I always had really mixed feelings about the BFG getting a hot key (I think I have to hit E for it? I dunno, I never use it) but I guess in the context of the new one it makes some sense.

Wait, he did? What was it?

Big fan! Licence to Kill is probably my favorite Bond movie of the 80s (low bar, I know) and I thought he brought a really different energy to it. I don't exactly think he's the "novel-perfect" Bond a lot of people claim he is on the internet but I love his take and I'm sort of sad they ditched him before Goldeneye,

Dear god, I never thought I'd be able to describe Independence Day as an embarrassment of riches, but here I am!

I thought the Terminal Man movie we got was fine enough, but I'd have loved seeing an early Spielberg take on it

Oh my god, the list of things I WOULDN'T give to hear John Williams do the E1M1 music is short and barely worth mentioning.

I remember loving it, it was really the most recent Spielberg that felt like his "golden age" to me.

Also, Daniel Craig singing "Papa Was A Rolling Stone"!