
I'm really fascinated by that concept.

That coat is made out of a hundred tightly-connected belts.

There were movies where I hated Data, but I'd hate to see anything happen to him.

I'm not about to get all uppity about Independence Day continuity, but I have gone 20 years assuming Brent Spiner died in the first one. I don't know why this is so irritating to me.

Is this the Christoph Waltz one? I remember feeling like the trailer seemed…oddly cheap. Can't put my finger on why, but a lot of the jungle scenes didn't look too different from the one we all hate in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Thirding this whole thread. Doc Savage could hardly be in better hands, unless there was one made in the early 80's with a post-Warriors Walter Hill in charge.

I haven't seen this movie since before I knew a single goddamn thing at the world at large, but this makes a shit ton of sense.

This isn't the time or place to get into it, but I'd like to politely posit that the first Transformers is both the best, most-watchable one of the whole series and the only one with the sense of humor and fun needed to pull something like that off. It was jettisoned immediately after that first one, but I'll still


I can't wait until he has a gruff but loving talk with his girlfriend about why he needs to go fight the aliens because its both his duty and what her father wanted!

I can't tell if I want the final scene to be the humans celebrating while several aliens in middle management argue with each other on their way back into space, or one alien just screams "WHAT?!" into a cell phone and then the credits whiz by super fast while goofy trumpet music plays.

Only if they bring back the Romulan Ale Bud Bowl.

And WHY does there have to be TWO of them?

I want a supercut of just that scene and everything Jeff Goldblum does, and otherwise I can take a wash on this whole movie.

EXACTLY. The costs had to be big enough the first time to both set them back a ways and also discourage them from considering Earth worth the effort, wouldn't you think?

They could have just waited twenty years and jumped straight to that plan, really.

Seriously, her name looks like a parody of straight-edge hardcore band logos. LXWXNXAXNX

I'm already pretty in on the concept, so I, too, will watch this!

I don't travel much, mostly by choice, but the last time I had to take a train ride out for a friend's wedding I loaded my tablet up with Game Center CX. I find that show oddly soothing in general, and it helped during my ride out. To kill time in the hotel room my best friend/traveling companion and I loaded up a

It was probably fine enough until you got to 7 or so.