
I am constantly impressed with the quality of foreign Simpsons dubs. The French and Spanish ones are particularly fantastic - I don't speak a lick of the language but something about Spanish Homer's delivery fucking kills me.

Really? I guess I always interpreted it as absinthe due to the fact it was an alcohol, but the Cuban cigar metaphor works really well.

*However the fuck you spell Troi's mom's name


No, of COURSE it has tons of support in the corporate world, this is the sort of easy categorization that lazy HR reps thrive on. Not that I'm bitter.

El Santo, you constantly bring joy into my life.

I'll take this explanation, but it begs the question how it's survived this many generations.

Which I suppose is all well and fine, and I can't begrudge someone expressing themselves, it just smacks of putting on airs when you and the rest of your 24-year-old band nerd friends are dressed to the nines to play on a weekday at some rathole Irish pub. (And not even the GOOD kind of rathole,)

It better be, I literally just watched that for the first time YESTERDAY and I've got a lot of feelings that need to go SOMEWHERE!

I seriously thought it was just me that had this problem. I accidentally saw part of Grace of Monaco and I had a hard time believing those were the same person.

No shit? That sort of surprises me, but I think I came up in an era where Ypsilanti was more known for being a weed-haven college town. Which is fine, considering.

Ooh. get to the part where he rhymes a word with that same word again!

I am of Ohio blood and relation, and it pains me to see.

I lived in Taylor for about a year until last winter, funny enough! I'm a little further into the 'burbs now, closer to my office.

I've long wondered that. A few of my friends in the local music scene play in a pretty damn good jazz band (or at least as good as my ill-educated ears will tell me, despite my father's best efforts) but most of them insist on some kind of half-hearted "this is what we assume a jazz band dressed like and we were all

Speaking as a native Michigander I hate so, so, so much that we have Confederate flags and people faking southern accents.

My fondest memory of Crystal Skull is meeting up with a group of friends at Burger King to try the aforementioned Whoppers a few hours before our screening. A foolhardy friend of ours ate like two or three of them and, understandably, vanished into the bathroom for a while afterwards.

I technically have my mom to thank for my appreciation of that joke! I should call her and tell her!

I love love love when promotional food sticks around too long. Ecto Cooler is the obvious example, but I also seem to remember those spicy Indiana Jones Whoppers being available for damn near a year, at least in my neck of the woods.

I need that, that sounds adorable.