
[Ross Perot takes Clinton to the mat]

Didn't think so!


Super fair, I have a hard time elaborating on WHY I like them so much sometimes, myself. But I do, and I can't deny this part of me.

Would it be TOO ironic if I thanked all you nice heathen lesbians for doing God's work?

That would be such a fucking better game than what Watch_Dogs turned out to be, and I am so mad I don't live in a world where I can play this.

I have a lot of super fond memories of this period in music - I was in my first "real" band while still learning how to play drums, so I remember taking a lot of inspiration from shit like Hot Hot Heat and The Killers. It worked surprisingly well, considering I was in a ska band at the time.

But…but then why was that green-haired cab driver with all the Offspring CDs so happy to drive him there?

Wait, they had what?

I'd politely disagree with Bloc Party on that; while they both have strong post-punk leanings I think Bloc Party took more inspiration from later dance-punk than Interpol did. And BOTH of them remained closer to dance-punk than the Killers did - I love later Killers, but they seemed like they were already moving into


God, I haven't been there in forever, is it still worth a shit?

Sometime around when Crystal Skull was headed to theaters, some friends of mine and I (inspired by both this and Be Kind Rewind) decided to try and do a tribute to Last Crusade, which was the one we all agreed was best anyway. We only got as far as costume design, which is probably for the best, but I'm mostly

Much obliged! May it never happen to us again!

Sure, I believe it!

UGH. I had to do that once with some shitty second-wave ska band whose singer was clearly the greater target of the girl in question's affections. You have my utmost sympathy.

Yeah, I've really gotta wonder, don't they have to give us more stuff if X amount of these don't get redeemed by a certain date? It's funny that the vouchers are either so inconvenient or so shitty that basically nobody cares, which may lead to them having to give us more stuff later. Maybe it'll be good then!

I would love to help with this, depending on the performer.

This post is about to MAKE-A MY DREAMS COME TRUE

I don't even know where to fucking start with that lineup. Warrant and Bush? How?