
Fucking dying at "Inadequacy Bear" over here.

Also, didn't anyone else think about Ghostbusters 2 when Xavier kept walking towards the Wyatt Family, like how Ray kept getting possessed? "Xavier, we'd like to fight the monster, could you move please?"

Noted, I'll have to give it a shot!

I got dragged to a pretty bad house show the day after Christmas last year (with a fucking Roman/Sheamus main event, and if I haven't been here long enough to make it clear I GODDAMN HATE SHEAMUS) and I couldn't help feeling like everyone there, myself included, had something better to be doing over the holidays.

Yep, I gotta admit I was really expecting Kevin to land it. I don't know why, it just seemed to be where the internet scuttlebutt was going and I felt like it might work.

Which I love, but I don't know if I want to deal with the whole series for that.

You know what, that's super fair, but I guess I respect that it takes that formula and does it really well. It's the New Super Mario Bros. of Shaw Brothers movies - yes, I've seen this movie a few times by now, but it's being done super well and I'm not asking for some big twist on the formula.

Ambrose holding the belt should have happened forever ago, Reigns has been doing a lot better lately (including his feud with Styles), Styles is doing exactly what the Bullet Club should be doing by targeting the top face all the kids love, Shane and Enzo need to be best friends forever going forward, and I ain't too

something something WITHOUT OLD DICK!

Oh shit, I totally forgot about this. I feel like I've been sorta desensitized to this sort of thing thanks to years of idiot teenagers running "creepypastas" into the fucking dirt, but I remember liking this a lot at the time. I should dig this…when I'm not at work, clearly.

Fair! I didn't have cable for a bit around that time so I feel like I got to miss a lot of the dregs of CC's bad mid-00s period, but I also remember a lot of TV being real bad around then so maybe I'm just bitter.

I've never seen this but I fucking love Rich Fulcher, I need to track this down.

I'm having an extremely hard time even remembering Lil' Bush happened in the first place, and for some reason I would have sworn to you that it WASN'T a Comedy Central show. It smacked of TBS or Fox or something.

You know, I remember reading that and only recently being able to appreciate what he meant by that. That said, I really feel like Racist Pixies is the only misfire the show ever had - like, I might be looking at it wrong, but I don't quite feel like it was accomplishing what he clearly intended it to.

This times a goddamn million. The Charlie Murphy stuff is finally funny again to me, but that was after ten years of not having to hear it in school every day.

I goddamn love Stella and mourn its passing to this day.

Wasn't its original title actually "Family Man" for almost that exact reason?

That was exactly what I always loved about it. As gross and crass as it can be, it wasn't written as a string of in-the-moment insta-dated pop culture/celebrity references, and it deserves points for that alone.

I loved it when I saw it at, oh, 16-17? Not sure if I'd deal with it well now but I remember thinking it was way funnier than its peers.

Real fucking talk, right here. The only blink-182 album I can really, consistently go back to and not feel THAT embarrassed.