
Challenge. Accepted. I will scour this land until I can purge the Earth of the filth of the Brutals…all in beautiful high def.

I almost wonder if that was intentional; they're the most visually striking by a long shot and yet it turns out they were chumps, like they make themselves look tougher to intimidate others like in nature.

THAT sounds goddamn fantastic.

Years ago, PrincessOfBrains and I made Luthers for dinner using Angus patties and Krispy Kreme donuts. They fucking ruled, and I ate two. We also might have made ours wrong; I've seen people halve the donuts and then grill them before using them as a bun. I just put two donuts on a cheeseburger and ate them.

Last Man Standing fucking rips, I never saw it until I got it in a Blu-ray two pack with Last Boy Scout and I was pretty damn entertained. Haven't seen Extreme Prejudice, though, but if it's another Hill joint I'm down as hell.

That's a perfect way to describe it. 36 Chambers is, at least out of the ones I've seen (not as many as I'd have liked, admittedly) the best-paced Shaw Brothers movie. The attempts at comedy actually land without getting belabored or hacky, and it always seems to know where it's going and how to get there - not

I didn't see it, but due to his Skyfall/Spectre work I can kinda get an idea of what it sounds like. And maybe I'm just bitter, but I don't like it!

I…I liked it. ;___;


I saw that and it blew my mind! I was only recently turned onto Screen Archives Entertainment thanks to a co-worker and I was frankly delighted to see it.

The Rhino shit got both rare and expensive pretty quick. That's a goddamn shame.

And they're both unafraid to just play in genres. Hill never thought he was "above" action movies the same way Carpenter never thought he was above action, sci-fi, or horror. And Hill loved those, too - the only redeeming factor of Alien 3 is knowing he wrote an early draft and was still involved in the finished

City of God is goddamn amazing but my only argument for this is that I would say that and The Warriors are going for drastically different things.

Hah, I was JUST about to post this. What I wouldn't fucking give for the Reisz or Lynch cut of Jedi.

36th Chamber is straight-up my favorite Shaw work. Beautiful sets and camera work, funny but affecting plot, and goddamn perfect choreography that rides that line between "overly balletic" and "hard to follow".


That's really interesting, actually - I wonder if either the original version or the MST3k episode were ever officially released after that?

That's the worst goddamn feeling - I sprung the extra ten bucks for the Director's Cut of Watchmen, and I fucking hated it. Haven't watched the theatrical cut since then.


I love Tarantino (mostly) but this is such a good fucking analogy. I'm almost tempted to compare it to Scarlett Johannsen doing an album of Tom Waits songs, but I don't know if it works as well.