
I sat here for a while trying to quietly pronounce that to myself at work and while I'm sure I looked like a fucking idiot, this was hilarious

Holy shit, that's a brilliant idea. I want other movies to do that, like record some cheap Pierce Brosnan dialogue and lay some gunfire over it to imply someone is watching a Bond movie without paying for it.

Palindromes is the only Solondz I've seen so far and I loved it, but this was like six years ago so I don't remember shit. I really need to go back over it again now that I don't have the movie opinions of a 22 year old tainting it for me.

I dated a girl for like a year who was super into Solondz, and she refused to show me Happiness. She talked about it as though she was saving me from something, which just made me way more curious.

Huh, I'll be damned, this was well before my time but that's pretty neat to see!

Oh, my mistake! That's actually pretty good to know going forward, I need to get more into that show.

Inside The Idiot 20-Something's Studio

Walter Hill is usually pretty reliable, and while it isn't a 1-to-1 comparison I might argue he's kind of in that Wes Craven "Scream" phase of his career where he knows exactly who he is and what he does.

Look, man, when I get disappointed by a buffet, I make damn sure everyone knows about it.

Goddamn right it did. I remember watching it the Monday before the first Dead Space launched and finding it completely appropriate.

Holy shit, I've never seen that, but that sounds like pure incomprehensibility

Shit, I never got around to that, and I was really curious. I was wondering about Sabotage too but I hear that wasn't as good.

I haven't seen it, but if it's Hill, it's bound to be good.

Yes, yes exactly. It's a concept that's maybe a little too insane for something like a Bond movie while still not being out there enough for straight sci-fi/fantasy, and it lands perfectly in that sweet HK/Luc Besson middle ground. If John Wick had come out some five-ten years earlier you probably would've seen Tony…


Club on, my friend, club on!

I just looked up what it was and it sounds pretty promising, I need to get a hold of this!

Was that good? I remember it being recommended to me by a few friends who I usually can't trust with Movie Opinions™, but I'm still willing to give it a shot.

Oh SHIT, really? But that guy looked so young! I actually told the friend I saw it with that the dude they hired "looked like an idiot 20-something who wants to be Cillian Murphy". This is blowing my mind.

Done and done!