
I will gladly accept being wrong in this case, and I'm still totally down to watch it sometime.

Speaking as a Detroit native who's lived through a lot of Transformers and Batman v. Superman filming, you'd be surprised how easy it is to fudge that sort of thing. Of course, Boyle didn't have access to a budget anywhere near those Snyder/Bay dollars, which makes it more impressive.

Of course then you get into the sticky issue of reviewing a show that wasn't expressly made for Netflix (like Daredevil) but is only available to American viewers a season or two late on Netflix, presumably (haven't watched it so I could be off here).

That haircut is weirdly prevalent among dudes these days, and I will always bristle at seeing someone refer to it as a "Hitler Youth" even if that's not super inaccurate.

I'm sorry, wait, there's a movie named after an Elvis Costello song that has Lucy Liu and a scene where Cillian Murphy sobs openly while playing baseball? How am I JUST NOW finding out about this?

I ALWAYS feel like I've been hard-done by, what should I do to adhere to this new plan?

Wasn't it kind of panned at first? I remember both not being sold on the advertising and remember it not having a great reputation, but I love Craven so seeing it get sort of 'reevaluated' is encouraging. I may have to take the plunge on it.

Event Horizon is fun as hell. I will continue to quote Fishburne's "fuck this ship, we're leaving" whenever I decide it's time to not be somewhere.

I would say yes but in a slightly different way - maybe it's just the Matrix connection talking but John Wick reminds me of John Woo's glory days in at least kind of shallow ways. If someone had told me John Wick was an unreleased mid 90s Chinese-American co-production I wouldn't be the least surprised.

It might be a liiiiittle outside the scope of this post, but I would argue that the recent Walter Hill/Sly Stallone movie Bullet to the Head is a pretty effective throwback to the Cannon/Golam-Globus style of 80s action movie.

Okay, I actually really liked Tron Legacy but I've only seen it once and I don't remember him in it at all…

I actually kinda liked the idea of all the goddamn zombie pop culture out there being a "slough", I thought maybe he was just being sassy about how played-out and ubiquitous they've become.

Hell yeah, shitty borderline Gen-Y kids all over the damn AV Club!

I have long argued, and will continue to until my dying breath, that "The Impression That I Get" is the Platonic ideal of a three-minute radio pop single. It's maybe not the best song ever recorded but there's never been a song that accomplishes its goals better than "Impression".

I was 14-15 when this aired and I loved it so goddamn much. I had a much bigger tolerance for "broad parody" when I was that age and I had just enough knowledge of bad early 90s sitcoms combined with a 14 year old's vague understanding of the world around them for this to hit home immediately, and I mourned its

Capcom has been killing it on PC lately, so I can't be SURPRISED, but that lingering PC-gamer fear of missing ports (FOMP?) will never quite go away for me.

I love this

I haven't seen Finding Nemo since its original theatrical run, and at that point I was too young and stupid to notice film scores (as opposed to now where I'm just plain stupid), but…I gotta say Thomas Newman's scores are some of the weaker parts of the last two Daniel Craig Bond movies, and I say this as a staunch

No shit, this is pretty fucking crazy, but I don't blame Opie for sticking around.

Wait, what the hell happened? I haven't given a shit about radio in damn near a decade at this point but I was unaware Opie & Anthony split up.