
I am so pumped about how many recent AV Club interviews/articles have been skewing towards shit like this - I've both actually heard of it and fucking love it, and I'm stoked to see Asian Man get some action on the AV Club front page.

My relief in seeing that this is being released for PC is palpable.

It had that AND "Hey Man, Nice Shot"! I was all set.


I didn't see this at the time because it seemed too "old" and "weird" for me (being all of 9 or 10 when it came out, and already being a massive Jim Carrey fan because every 10 year old boy in America was at the time) and its reputation has kind of put me off, but fuck it, this sounds pretty awesome and it's going on

Don't get me wrong, I'm a total hypocrite and I dig on some White Zombie no question. I won't bore everyone with my reasons here, but "Dragula" just super rubs me the wrong way, even being fully aware of Rob Zombie's schtick.

I didn't see this one when it originally got posted, and I think I might be willing to say this is my favorite Hatesong, or at least my favorite one for a long while.

I think the trick is you just have to have a funny story about why you hate it, or be able to explain in-depth WHY you hate it so much. Sometimes I like to pretend that my band will be big enough one day for me to be on here, and I've already decided mine would be "Dragula", although I worry my story isn't even funny

I was actually super sick the first time I ever saw it, which probably helped. I love it, though, so I'm a bad judge.

This sounds AMAZING.

I've described it to people as being a Greatest Hits of really really good Bond action scenes that don't have much reason to happen or anything connecting them. The sequence in the opera is one of my favorite things in a Bond movie (or recent movies period) and the fight scenes are all fantastic, but there's just

The climax felt like the movie just sort of rolled over and died, John Hurt didn't need to be there, and the CGI truck chase was kind of cringe-worthy. But that chase through the college was friggin GREAT.

Die Another Day has the worst theme song of the Brosnan era but I might politely defend its place in the overall rankings.

He's still around, I wonder if he has the rights to dig it back up and try again like with MST3k?

I am so excited about this, actually.

Jesus Christ my brain is having a super hard time accepting that this happened.

PrincessOfBrains has it on video as a 'special feature' on a bootleg VHS of some Red Dwarf anniversary special from back in the day. It's…rough.

Heat Vision and Jack is SO GODDAMN FUNNY and I'm almost glad it didn't actually become a series.

I am deeply ashamed I didn't know about this until just now and I am SUPER fascinated by the concept.

He's also been working with Against Me! a lot lately and you can kinda tell. Very well-produced and exceedingly catchy stuff.