
I haven't seen this yet, but that's the line that clinched it for me and now I fucking need to. The way he includes "just" in that sentence, like this is so…commonplace and nearly reflexive for him. Like you'd say you're JUST going to the store for bread, you know?


Purely through happenstance, today has brought me a wealth of information about pre-80s Japanese movies I've never heard of, and I am more than willing to give this one a shot. Good article, everyone!

I'm kind of seconding this - dark chocolate makes me pray for death harder than usual, but PrincessOfBrains loves Lindt stuff, so if you're into dark chocolate that may be the way to go. So I've been told.

Those things recently landed in my part of Michigan and I goddamn love them. I am sorry for your condition, though, one of my best friends is lactose intolerant and it sounds like a goddamn nightmare.

I had to read this post a few times, as I also thought it was referring to the vanilla/fruit-flavored Tootsie Rolls (aren't they called something else?) that you tend to only see around Halloween. That shit is awesome.

Jesus christ, factory-fresh Moon Pies sound goddamn fantastic on their own let alone the goddamn ice cream. We still get Moon Pies this far north (actually, having tried both them and RC Cola for the first time on a particularly eventful trip to a large nearby park as a 10-year-old really led me to being confused

There are two Combos I can handle; the Buffalo Blue Cheese ones and the 7-Layer Dip ones are both delicious and somehow accomplish the presumably-simple goal of tasting like the thing they're supposed to taste like. The rest of them all taste like butter and crunch.

Wow, I like that a lot, actually.

I worked for Volkswagen for a good long while, and it was super fun but I learned a lot of things about their cars that I'm both glad and disappointed to have learned.

This whole review is getting sweaty!

No shit, that's awesome! Your grandpa sounds pretty rad, and this is an awesome story.

Upvoted for "grief witch"

I don't have any positive feelings about the Fast franchise, but I'm deeply thrilled by your implication that Devon Aoki and Michael Ealy are somehow on the NXT of Fast and Furious.

I think you just found your band name.

I love this. I didn't know "vertebral" was a word.

I also don't trust Titor's opinions on what cars to use for time machines, so I say let's not ask him ANYTHING anymore!

Do you still have it? I love that shit!

Alright, so someone talk to me like I'm a big dummy.

I never much cared for it, but it's a damn sight better than 5 and at times it matches 2 for me. I'm a big apologist for …With A Vengeance, though, so take that as you will.