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It can be two things.

I love Jubilee, and I am also a terrible X-Men fan.

I buy it! In that case maybe I retract my statement, although I still have a hard time considering TMNT a "comics" property even though that's absolutely what it stems from.

I believe it, and I know the least shit about the comics that I do about anything to do with TMNT.

Even with as entertaining as they are, I honestly never feel a big reason for Batman to get involved until near the end, and I don't really know if the "three aspects" thing holds up the entire time.

Super fair, but I think it works better because it has a smaller range of subjects and themes it has to touch on, and I actually kind of like the focus on what the Joker turns into through the course of the movie only because they made Jack the guy that killed Batman's parents. We already know what Batman turns out to

Here's some fun hair-splitting that I don't know if I agree with myself - was TMNT really a "comic" movie at that point in the sense that something like Blade or The Crow was? I could be way off, but I feel like even when the movie happened it had already expanded into kind of a bigger multi-media thing and a movie

I was pretty young when Batman Returns came out, and it would be a while before I'd even see it - I watched the 89 movie a lot on video, and I MIGHT have seen Forever in theaters but even if I didn't I'd watch it endlessly on video because I was 8 and it was fine - and whenever I finally DID see it I remembered liking

Justin (Bailey)
From Her Lips To Mother Brain's Ears (The Energy Tank)
Those Space Pirates Are Mysterious

I grew up just close enough to Canada to get a lot of pretty good Canadian radio stations, which is really the only reason I know about dudes like Sloan and Matt Good, and Tragically Hip is one of those that's stayed with me the longest. I was obsessed with My Music @ Work for a long time, and while I've never gotten

No shit, that explains a ton. I love him in Predator, though, so everything worked out!


Is…that a thing a textbook has tried to espouse, ever? Jesus.

Season 10 is where I draw the line for the "classic era", but thanks to the fact I'm one of those goddamn Gen Y/Millennial/whatever scumbags, I have really fond memories of seasons 11 and 12 since those were the first ones I ever watched on first-airing. Haven't watched them since, but I've been slowly rewatching the

But…but…COME ON IT'S SO GOOD! (this is the entirety of my defense, as I can't really rationalize WHY I can totally still deal with that song, but I TOTALLY LOVE IT YOU GUYS)

This is the only one of these I will politely dispute.

Yeah, but will they ever invite Mean Ween to family holidays again, or has he totally turned his back on the word of the Boognish?

That's pretty fucking awesome, actually - I knew it was a book adaptation but I never knew why the title changed, and now this is actually a funnier/weirder story than when Ridley Scott stole the title of an unrelated William Burroughs story for Blade Runner.

Long Goodbye is probably in my top 10 movies overall, and it's brought me no small amount of amusement that someone confused it with Long Kiss Goodnight.