
I was obsessed with Doyle's guitar tone for a long time. Dude builds his own guitars and pedals, I heard, and that probably has a lot to do with it.

That's actually really common in Asian cinema, I've noticed. There's a lot of Chinese/Hong Kong action movies with connected titles where the plots aren't related, but are brought together by common thematic elements and shared actors.

Four of those, max, released by Dragon Dynasty. Maybe.


Can't argue this a lick, but Graves get bonus points for being the reason I know about Boxing Helena! (well, him and my dad)

Goddamn that 1988 logo takes me back. The vast majority of my SNL exposure came from staying up until 2AM to catch the 88-92 reruns on Comedy Central, and I think it's informed my opinions of SNL (and sketch comedy as a whole) for my life since then.

I also read that Beck has a weirdly grounded view of Scientology, kinda like how someone raised into Catholocism (or something) but isn't super into it might call some things into question even if that's how they were raised. Which is a start, I guess.

HOT TAKE: I think the Micheal Graves era is super underrated even if it has a weird tendency towards pseudo-metal at times, and Graves has a fantastic voice and great lyrics/delivery for the Misfits' chosen subject matter.

Comparisons to Brian de Palma AND John Woo? A Hong Kong action movie directed by someone who used to do horror? SIGN ME THE HELL UP

I think that's actually a super good argument for good book-movies that took some strong deviations from the source material, even if I don't want ALL of them to be like that.

That fear of how obnoxious a NMH reunion show would be ("Thousand(s) of young people shouting along to every word so loudly that you couldn’t hear the band…") is EXACTLY why I don't think I could EVER go see a Jawbreaker reunion, if it were to ever happen, no matter how much I love Jawbreaker.

I have no big problems with Alice in Wonderland as an original story or concept, or even big-budget fairy tale movies in and of themselves…but fuck you, Recent Tim Burton, stop doing this to us!

Thank you for this post - it articulates so many things I've been asking myself about both Snyder and Total Recall forever and you just nailed it. Blade Runner is my #2 movie ever but it's not quite trippy and dreamlike enough.

If this is the nicest thing I do for someone this weekend, I'll take it!


This is exactly my problem - I don't begrudge this movie for existing, but god DAMN did they spend a lot of money making it. Like, so much that every time I see how much it cost I'm surprised, and then my brain erases that information because it just CAN'T be right, so I can be surprised by it all over again the next

Solid gold. I got mine on a really reputable-looking DVD at a Super K Mart in my hometown, of all places, but this is gonna make it way easier for me to force on people!

Yes! Perfect, that's exactly it. And also, thank you, I've been meaning to watch The Dragon Lives Again forever!

No shit, that makes a ton of sense. Still not enough to make me watch it!

Thank you, Bob (Dobbs AND Hope), for confirming my correct lifestyle!