
I still giggle to myself at "THE DRIVE BEE!" if I see any sort of insect while driving, to this day.

Sadly, no, I've yet to be able to track that one down. Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave starts with a man (another actor who changed his name to Bruce Li, if I remember right) erupting through a matte painting of a tombstone reading simply "BRUCE LEE" who then travels to America to help a woman save her dad's car

That's what killed the full-length Machete for me, it was too 'self-aware' even without making a lot of 'winking to the camera' kind of jokes. It kind of went the other direction where it was just too ridiculous for ridiculousness' sake and while there's totally a place for that it kinda kills the vibe.

There are few things funnier to me than bad/awkward fight choreography. The fight against the dude with the tomahawk in "Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave" comes to mind.

Ashamed as I am about it, this is the one movie mentioned in the article or comments that I've seen other than the original Shaft, and Truck Turner fucking rules. I feel like Kotto was just playing an even bigger version of Mr. Big/whatever his real name was from Live and Let Die, which I'm always okay with.

Paul Heyman was in that?!

A dude I knew in high school allegedly had Mark Discordia's contact information but we were too scared to ever call him.

You know, his old stuff isn't quite as flinch-worthy as you'd expect (well…not ALL of it) and I have to say I was really impressed by his recent Cracked work. I was a huge fan from the golden age of the internet up through his EGM stuff, and when I found out he was "back" I was admittedly a little afraid I'd have

It's kind of a cliche, but I feel like I could play this before I do anything and get pumped as hell for it.

Fuck the haters, this ruled, I lost it when Kiedis told me to super size my meal. Not quite as perfect as when whats-his-name made the fake RHCP song to get them into the Super Bowl, but I'm a sucker for anything making fun of Chili Peppers lyrics.

I really only know who that is because of his brief appearances on Arrested Development, which I admit says way more about me than him.

Alright, this is all true. I suppose I should have said it contributed, because I know even before the lawsuits the series had been on shaky ground. I've read some alleged script details of the missing film they were going to do after LTK and it sounded pretty awesome, but we'll never know now, huh?

Funny enough, License to Kill got its ass kicked by everything else that year too. It was a big part of why there was such a big gap between LtK and Goldeneye.

I saw it the day before I started going to third or fourth grade and I loved it. That was exactly the right age to see it and I've never watched it since then.

I have argued this FOREVER. Vigo is far more prominent through the whole thing and seems far more responsible for the machinations of the plot, almost in a classic Bond-villain sense, whereas the first one just seems like ghosts are a thing that have always existed until whoops here's Gozer I guess.

Oddly enough, I don't actually see the cast being all that different other than maybe the trading of Randy Quaid for an old sitcom star. The dad from Family Ties whose name escapes me comes to mind.

I am so deeply, personally hurt by this comment but…but I can't actually argue it.

This all sounds like it's a perfect study in missing the point, which NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED WITH RATCHET AND CLANK. Other than Mario I'm having a hard time imagining a game series (or at least a platformer series) that could become a movie with less effort.

As sorry as I am to hear he got hurt, I guess everything kinda worked out, sort of?

Whoa, wait, this was a comic?