
something something Garry Marshall's Fourth of July starring Vince Vaughn and some nice bland white people

I felt awful for laughing at that, as a liberal arts major.

Every time my boss brings his kids in they remember I'm the desk with all the Transformers on it, which has led to occasionally humorous results.

See, that's exactly it. It's weird toneless human voices slowly reading regular ass numbers, and it is ABUNDANTLY clear you had no business ever hearing these broadcasts. That's all it really takes to weird me out!

I…oh, okay, maybe I won't then!

That line has stayed with me ever since. I think about it every time I see a picture of like my grandpa's old war buddies or something.

Ugh, god, I have been meaning to watch this for for-fucking-ever and I just don't have a good reason why I haven't yet. Maybe this is my year.

I dug this a lot more than I expected to, actually. Super catchy, and the guitar sound is heavy without being overwhelming like a lot of sludge/stoner/doom acts go for, which is what I was afraid of from the description. I'm weird about judging songs based on their guitar tone.

If you see one Garry Marshall movie, you done good. If you see TWO Garry Marshall movies, you done bad.

What To Expect When You're Expecting 2: The Expectables

Imagine each one of these movies starting with the Marvel Studios logo except the logo is changed to read "MARSHALL" in the exact same font with the same background and everything

We canNOT let ANYONE know that Mother's Day is bad. It would RUIN the TOWNNN.

Can we skip right to the point where the kids have to give us all the money they have and then we force them to be a virtual reality orangutan, or whatever shit?

I dunno, my dad took me to his CAD/CAM shop a few times as a kid and it was pretty cool, mostly because we got Mr. Pita for lunch and I hung out on an empty computer all day playing floppy disc shareware games.

Had a pretty spirited discussion of that over on the Captain Midnight article, and you know what? That fucking Max Headroom video never stops giving me chills.

I always attributed it to that old juxtaposition of the normal and the weird, right? Like, numbers by themselves aren't scary, but the fact these things remain so unexplained is super off putting. The voices are always weird and the signal quality is usually pretty iffy which doesn't help, and the fact that these

You had me at "party line". This rules so hard.

So I can assume you're anti-"crowd surf Peter Parker back onto the train car" in Spider-Man 2?

I get these guys confused with Latterman and there's just no excuse for that. This shit rules, it's a little '77 without the naked downstroke-worship those sort of bands usually indulge in (not that there isn't totally a place for that sometimes).

Is that good? I goddamn love Better Off Dead but I've not seen One Crazy Summer.