
I am 90% positive I've seen a "de-skinned" version of that plane crash on a news broadcast or something. Either someone sold the rights to use it in plane crash footage re-creations, or it was already some kind of creative commons animation that they borrowed for Air Force One.

Oh my god that's so good. I won't ask for the specifics, but even considering how small-scale it was, how much of an undertaking must that have been?

You know what, I've had people tell me that, but I never got into the first one and then just never bothered with the rest. I don't really have a good reason why.

It also gave Nolan North a chance to discover he can do a THIRD voice, which is always encouraging!

Crack in Time is the best one of them post-Arsenal, I'd argue. Never got much into Future, but maybe I just didn't give it enough of a shot, and Deadlocked just didn't much appeal to me.

That's oddly reassuring, if not slightly disappointing. I want to believe that some neckbeard nobody totally broke into his city's water treatment plant using an auto-dialer!

Alright, real talk: Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal is my favorite PS2 game that doesn't say "Snake Eater" anywhere on the box, and I have to admit I am sort of disappointed that this isn't getting better reviews. Ratchet and Clank, almost more than most recent-ish video game series, seemed tailor made to be a

I love it. I kinda wish stuff like that was doable now, right? If I had the cajones I'd love to hijack a local Fox affiliate after hours and make everyone watch like Repo Man or something with me.

Goddamn, thank you for showing me what that is, I'm super interested even if I'm gonna have to listen to it during the day with the lights on. I've gained a big fondness lately for "broken transmission" recordings where it's just a sound collage of old commercials and random gibberish. This seems sort of related in a

Wait, the video is fake? Does anyone have a record of this actually happening? I'm even more interested now!

Wow, really? I figured encryption for that sort of thing would have gotten a little more hardened over time, at least when we were all freaking out after 9/11, but it's kinda interesting to think that satellites out there aren't much different than they were when we launched them.

Super true, and I used to get 2600 magazine from a friend of mine. Loved every issue even if I only understood about a third of it.

No, but that sounds AWESOME! Was it like stuff they filmed themselves, or did they just choose movies and stuff to broadcast that night?

I recognize that first one - thought to be something to do with Soviet troop movements, right? I don't recognize that second one, gimme the skinny!

Oh dude, this rules but I never thought to look for footage, thank you!

God, I have always loved stuff like this. Between this and the Max Headroom guy I developed a brief fascination with the idea of TV signal hijacking, and mysterious signals in general. Something about it is so oddly chilling, in a benign way - all I wanted to do was watch old-ish Doctor Who on PBS and here's some

Fun nerd confessions: way back in those halcyon days of Matrix Online I sided with the Merovingian because his whole thing was "look, the real world sucks, but we should have more fun in the Matrix" in the game. I've never really stopped agreeing with that philosophy. I mean, LOOK at it out there.

I reactivated my Disqus account just to chime in on this. Unless there's two Bronwyns in the Metro Detroit area there is an extremely slim chance you and I know each other very tangentially.

It's the perfect inverse of the Indiana Jones situation, where the perfect sendoff movie is followed up some 15-20 years later by…a less good movie, at my most generous.

I came here to explain how excited I was about the fact "Mordecai Richler" is a real name, but then I googled him and it turns out motherfucker wrote The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz which I've not read but liked the movie, so my joke fell flat and now this is the second time I've learned something here via a