
No one listens to jazz! Science teachers and the mentally ill, that's all jazz is for!

Holy shit, this one hit home. I've been pretty anti-Christmas the last few years and no matter how cool I try to be about it, this is basically why. I've never heard of this dude before but I'm glad I have now.


A degree of foreknowledge in becoming turnt is not required, but certainly encouraged. One brings one's own preconceptions to all art, after all.

That's real talk - how many more figures of Unicron have been made versus figures of Harry Lime?

There was a lot of that in the 80s and 90s. The Question's real name was revealed to be Charles Victor Szaz, which is…also goofy.

Their licensing integrity has gone Straight to Hell these days.

I dunno, he at least looked like he was having fun. Allegedly he took the role because his grandkids liked Street Fighter, and he at least looks like he's having a good time.

Came here to post this. Not only was Orson goddamn Wells' last role the fucking Transformers movie, he also made mention to his biographer that he hated every second of it, describing it as "some Japanese movie about toys doing awful things to each other".

The answer, my friends…is whatever you want it to be! ~twinkle~

I feel like anywhere called Aberdeen (judging by the one or two we have in the States) is always "okay at best".


I might have been a member of a Facebook group titled "I Would Totally Do The Esurance Girl", so…

I've long considered doing one of those misguided white-American "VISIT THE LAND OF MY ANCESTORS" trips to Scott'sland but it's really just a thin veil to disguise the fact I think Scotland is really neat. I'm sure it's totally different living there, though.

I interviewed for this job I really really wanted as a SEO analyst/content writer for a local marketing place…like six months ago. I felt like it went okay, but I never heard back.

I recently did a freelance piece on the history of the 32x and what could have been done to prevent its failure that seemed pretty well-received…by Reddit and a few Sega forums, at least:

This shit is GREAT. I'm just said you're not in America.

Came here to watch a takedown of late 80s Hollywood Squares, was soon treated to watching Gary Coleman rap and Kelsey Grammar follow his teenager daughter around, and was reminded of the existence of Federated where I once bought a copy of Super Mario Bros 2.

Do you remember the recipe at all? What did she object to so strongly?

Watched that last year for the first time since I was single-digit ages. I was thrilled and delighted.