
Is it actually Han? How much money do I have to spend to hear Harrison Ford say "lubial damper" and who do I give it to?

That exact thing is the one thing that stopped me from getting 100% on my last composition exam. In Tumblr-ese, that would be my trigger.

Okay, I only found out what that band's name was like a month ago and I can safely say that "In The Summertime" is easily the least visually appealing music video of all time. Everyone's really hairy and unattractive, nobody is looking where they're supposed to, the camera work is abysmal. The sole bright spot is that

I just looked him up. I'm not even English and that depressed the hell out of me.

The article was funny enough inherently, and then for the first time ever I read the phrase "never-materialized restaurant empire", which is great on its own let alone in the proper context.

And just when I was hoping I had nothing more to learn about Mystery Science Theater! Thank you, internet stranger! I retract my previous indignance.

But that's why I liked Mike so much. I feel like his distaste for the situation he's in was way funnier than Joel's weird resignation to his lot in life.

They'll be of equitable quality since Mike wrote most of Joel's answers anyway and there won't be a huge difference other than tone and delivery.


Orson Welles fucking owns, there's no way to argue it. But I don't want to see this documentary unless there's footage of Welles being shitty about his role as Unicron in the animated Transformers movie.

I have to give a ton of credit to my mom for this one. She bought it for $3 at Big Lots forever ago, and one year I headed back to her place for Mother's Day to take her to dinner. We hung out for a bit, and she asked me if I'd seen it - I hated the idea that there was a Bill Murray movie I'd never heard of or seen

I'm really excited about all of that, and also I need to add the Buckaroo Bonzai one to my novelization collection.

Tell me a movie about reincarnated Nazi boots attacking a small town wouldn't do fine on rental shelves these days.

What about The Power? I've always wanted to read a review of something called…The Power.

A year or two earlier and Gumball and Regular Show would've switched places. Nothing can stop Adventure Time, but Gumball could have become "network's other flagship show about relatable problems told through goofy situations and cartoon animals" whereas Regular Should would have become "also that".

Looks like someone wants his dang enchiladas!

And I'll be a giant hypocrite for loving every second of this despite disliking the way that's handled in a lot of recent comic book movies. LOOK MAN WHATEVER OKAY

Which is GREAT, even if it's just for a second. I liked the brief glimpses of Mr. White we got.

First Pixies song I ever heard, and it's haunted me ever since. I like pretty much the whole Pixies discography, but this and "Monkey Gone To Heaven" hit me in a particularly melancholy way I don't get from a lot of their other catalog. Which totally rules.

I'm just gonna come out and say it: I don't like the YOLT movie very much, and any of the stuff they want to crib from the novel for future movies would be totally welcome.