
The picture placement put this article over the top; the interview itself was hysterical but then there'd suddenly be a picture of "Songs from the Crystal Cave" and that made it so much funnier.

We did, but I feel like Quantum didn't really get the chance to get fleshed out too well. I've also seen rumors elsewhere online that Quantum and SPECTRE are supposed to work in concert, like Quantum is the financing branch or something.

A tenuous connection at best, but they all have to do with a location or item relevant to the movie's plot - Casino Royale is the name of the casino, GoldenEye is the satellite everyone's looking for, Quantum is the name of the bad guy agency in QoS, so on and so forth. I just feel like Bond movies (with the exception

Probably not, but they do want people to know it's central to the movie - there's been a recent-ish Bond trend to name the movie after the central location, item, or villian - Goldeneye, Casino Royale, Skyfall too. It seems like kind of a good move to establish an identity away from trying to jock a more verbose

Doubt it. But it does keep with the sometimes employed theme of the title being an important object, location, or person/people in the movie itself - Goldeneye, Casino Royale, QoS, and Skyfall all do this, so maybe they're trying to use this to distance themselves from more wordy Fleming-esq titles.

I would give so many things to see a sign reading "Dr. Shatterhand's Botanical Garden" on a theatre screen one day. Good lord.

"While your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident that the guy from Inglorious Basterds totally did, did I not mention that earlier?"

I dunno, I liked all of Craig's villains so far, but the idea of SPECTRE being brought forward into the present day with a lot of corporate holdings and more grounded schemes sounds friggin' awesome. I better see a lot of shell corporations, weird insider trading lingo, and one guy with an eyepatch!

I feel like it was a matter of practicality - they just needed people to know immediately that SPECTRE was back on the table, and they're probably still kind of stinging from the backlash of people complaining they didn't understand "Quantum of Solace".


Dorkin is my favorite Space Ghost writer other than the Aqua Teen Hunger Force guy.

Dorkin was always really good about that - his musical taste bled pretty hard into Milk and Cheese too, and everything he listens to owns.

I don't know if you should be more ashamed of knowing that guy's name, or if I should be more ashamed for THINKING I knew that guy's name but getting it WRONG, because it still means I valued that knowledge in the first place.

I used to have a huge collection of those as a kid. I had ones for Spaceballs and Ghostbusters 2 that I believe were written by RL Stein under his pre-Goosebumps "Jovial Bob Stein" pen name, and I was OBSESSED with the one for Men in Black when it came out. It taught me the word "parsimonious"!

I'm sorry, are you telling me the non-Fisher Stevens one of the Super Koopa Kousins…was in Sonic Youth?

I don't like admitting I own this, but there was a Jay and Silent Bob comic miniseries set between Chasing Amy and Dogma wherein they go to a town in Illinois they ASSUME is Shermer and hijinx ensue. I remember thinking the art was pretty good, at least.

The quote "males that age have no feeling towards Israel" begs the question - why were they that worried about getting Maxim readers to feel positively towards Israel?

I also like that it sort of avoids fetishisizing the issue - my familiarity with the Israeli army is from scores of "25 HOT WOMEN OF THE ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCE" posts, which helps no-one (even if I maybe read one or two). This sounds both funny and oddly enlightening - even if I'm pretty used to office comedy, this

Oh god I was just about to post this. The first one is amazing. I don't want to see another.

I was never sure how I felt about it. The premise and setup sound like I'd like it well enough, and I laughed out loud during several of the episodes I binge-watched when I got the first two seasons for cheap, but I have a hard time remembering any of the episodes (except Dante's) and I'm not sure if I want to watch